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Trumps Tariff Schemes Hurt Even More When He Flip-Flops Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of The Independent Review article Regime Uncertainty quoted in Counter Punch
5th Circuit Nixes Ban on Gun Sales to 18 to 20 Age Group Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason
How to Abolish the US Department of Education Research Fellow Ronald Kimberling Op-Ed in The American Spectator
The Ugly Comeback of Tariffs Demands a Muscular Rebuttal Senior Fellow Williamson Evers Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets
A Tale of Two Universities in Flyover Country and the Potential Downfall of Coastal Elite Schools Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Let Colleges Fail Op-Ed in The American Spectator
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Regulation, Privatization, Race Issues

Economics, Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy, National Security, Terrorism

Education Policy

Healthcare, Welfare, Taxes

Constitutional Law, Gun Control

Economic Liberty

Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics, International Economics, Financial Economics

Climate Change

Economic Policy, Higher Education

Economics, Public Pensions, Water Policy

Economics, Housing

Economics, Monetary Policy, Banking Regulation


Immigration, Poverty, Regulation

Economics, Monetary Policy

Energy, Taxation, Environment, Regulation

Environment, Water, Energy

Homelessness, Education, Religion, Welfare


Education, Economics, Taxes

Education, Constitutional Law, Religion

Economics, Religion
5th Circuit Nixes Ban on Gun Sales to 18 to 20 Age Group
The original understanding in 1791, not that in 1868, governs.
A Tale of Two Universities in Flyover Country and the Potential Downfall of Coastal Elite Schools
As the leading city in flyover country, Chicago universities are both climbing and toppling in the various college ranking lists.
How to Abolish the US Department of Education
A detailed operation of federal program reassignment, transfer, and termination could save Americas failing education system.
The Ugly Comeback of Tariffs Demands a Muscular Rebuttal
Biden Forgot to Pardon One of His Picks--Trump Must Prosecute Julie Su
Where DOGE and the Tax Bill Should Intersect
News Releases
Race & Liberty in America: (Updated Edition) The Essential Reader
Updated Volume Extolls Classical Liberal Tradition of Anti-Racist Champions
Guilt by Association: How Californias CalGang Database and State Gang Laws Jeopardize Civil Liberties
Independent Institute Creates Ethnic Studies Curriculum for California High Schools
Good as Gold: Unleashing the Power of Sound Money
New Independent Institute Book by Judy Shelton
New Updated Edition of Groundbreaking Book
Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
Satirical Look at Americas Endless Wars and the People Who Run Them
Blame Politicians, Not Producers, for High California Gasoline Prices
Californians Fleeced Again, New Report Finds
New Book Explores Roots of Left-Wing Anti-Semitism
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