Michael C. Munger: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

Michael C. Munger
Senior Fellow and former co-editor, The Independent Review
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Michael C. Munger
Senior Fellow and former co-editor, The Independent Review
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Michael C. Munger is Senior Fellow and former co-editor of The Independent Review at the Independent Institute, and Professor of Political Science, Economics and Public Policy and Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program at Duke University. He has been Staff Economist at the Federal Trade Commission, President of the Public Choice Society, and President of the North Carolina Political Science Association, and he has taught at Dartmouth College, University of Texas at Austin, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Professor Munger’s many scholarly articles have appeared in such journals as the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, The Independent Review, Journal of Politics, Journal of Law and Economics, Southern Economic Journal, and Economic Inquiry and his books include Is Capitalism Sustainable?; In All Fairness: Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity (co-edited with Robert M. Whaples and Christopher J. Coyne); Ideology and the Theory of Political Choice; Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity? (co-edited with Robert M. Whaples and Christopher J. Coyne); The Thing Itself: Essays on Academics and the State; Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: An Anthology (co-edited with Jonathan Anomaly, Geoffrey Brennan, and Geoffrey Sayre-McCord); Analytical Politics, Empirical Studies in Comparative Politics; Analyzing Policy: Choices, Conflicts, and Practices; Choosing in Groups; Empirical Studies in Comparative Politics (co-edited with Melvin J. Hinich); and Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy.

He is past Editor of Public Choice, he has won three University-wide teaching awards (the Howard Johnson Award, an NAACP "Image" Award for teaching about race, and admission to the Bass Society of Teaching Fellows), and he is the recipient of the Duncan Black Prize for Best Paper in Public Choice.

His popular articles have appeared in the New York Times, Raleigh News and Observer, Dallas Morning News, Chronicle of Higher Education, Boston Globe, El Mercurio, Ft. Lauderdale Sun, Sentinel, El Segundo, La Tercera, Tallahassee Democrat, Durham Herald, Business and Society Review, Europe, Consumers' Research, Regulation, New Sense, Reason, and Challenge.

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