The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. November 4, 2011

Originally aired November 1, 2011. Ivan Eland, Director, Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, talks to Russia Today about implications of Palestine's recent UNESCO membership.

Posted: Tue. October 25, 2011

Research Fellow Vern McKinley discusses bank bailouts and his new book Financing Failure with the Wall Street Journal.

Posted: Tue. October 18, 2011

Originally aired on October 14, 2011. Benjamin Powell, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, engages with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business Network's Freedom Watch.

Posted: Thu. October 6, 2011

Benjamin Powell, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, speaks on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch on irresponsible government spending on dead retirees & Hostess Twinkies.

Posted: Thu. October 6, 2011

Ivan Eland, Director, Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, talks to Russia Today about the Libyan rebels, Khadafi and the Media's reporting of the conflict.

Posted: Thu. October 6, 2011

Research Editor Anthony Gregory interviewed on KTVU 2 on the dangerous precedent of the US government assassinating American citizens such as Anwar al-Awlaki.

Posted: Wed. October 5, 2011

Independent Institute President David Theroux speaks with John Stossel of Fox Business Network’s “Stossel” discussing “What if libertarians were in charge?”

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Alex Tabarrok discusses changes in the U.S. housing market on Cavuto on Fox Business Network.