The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Thu. December 15, 2011

Vern McKinley, author of Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts discusses the current fiscal crisis in Europe. Recorded in English and Chinese at SOH Radio.

Posted: Thu. December 15, 2011

Benjamin Powell, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, engages with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business Network's Freedom Watch about expiring unemployment benefits and Congressional insider trading .

Posted: Mon. December 12, 2011

C-FIRE Deputy Director R.J. Lehmann interviews Independent Institute Research Director Alexander T. Tabarrok about his new book, Launching the Innovation Renaissance: A New Path to Bring Smart Ideas to Market Fast.

Posted: Mon. December 5, 2011

Benjamin Powell engages with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch about the payroll tax cut and the FDA regulation of salt.

Posted: Tue. November 29, 2011

The American Economic Association (AEA) takes pride in celebrating its founder Richard T. Ely. This pride is strange, given the character of Ely’s thought, which is revealed in The Independent Review article “The Shaping of a Future President’s Economic Thought: Richard T. Ely and Woodrow Wilson at ‘The Hopkins’” by Gary M. Pecquet and Clifford F. Thies, as well as the Econ Journal Watch article “Richard T. Ely: The Confederate Flag of the AEA?” by Clifford F. Thies and Ryan Daza. In this podcast, Thies is interviewed by the economist Lawrence H. White and explores Ely’s ideas, values, and impact. Thies is the Eldon R. Lindsay Chair of Free Enterprise and Professor of Economics and Finance at Shenandoah University.

Posted: Tue. November 29, 2011

William Shughart interviews Economist Randy T. Simmons, author of Beyond Politics: The Roots of Government Failure.

Posted: Mon. November 28, 2011

Originally aired on Russia Today. Senior Fellow Ivan Eland discusses the negative effects of increased sanctions against Iran.

Posted: Fri. November 18, 2011

Highlights from the Independent Institute’s 2011 25th Anniversary Gala for Liberty held November 15, 2011.
Part 1: Robert Higgs accepting the Alexis de Tocqueville Award
Part 2: Tribute from Ron Paul
Part 3: Tribute from Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Part 4: Tribute from Leszek Balcerowicz