The Power of Independent Thinking

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Showing 1281 - 1288 of 1,443 Results
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Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Stephen Halbrook makes a statement to the press after the U.S. Supreme Court hears the D.C. handgun ban case (Heller case). Halbrook filed an Amicus brief for the case on behalf of 300 members of Congress.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

David Theroux proposes that California sell government land to reduce the state’s budget crisis in an ABC 7 MoneyScope report.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

David Theroux discusses the breakdown of U.S. government tax spending and reducing the burden placed on taxpayers in a KTVU Channel 2 report.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

David Theroux addresses rising terrorism concerns following bombings in London and Madrid and the need for an exit strategy for the Iraq war in a KTVU Channel 2 report.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Don B. Kates discusses his support for the lawsuit challenging San Francisco's public housing gun ban in a KRON 4 report.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Ivan Eland shares his views on the U.S. military occupation of Iraq, Sunni-Shia relations, and Iraq's upcoming election in an MSNBC report.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Dr. S. Fred Singer challenges the causes of global warming and weather changes in an interview with Fox News.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Ivan Eland discusses 9/11, the Iraq war, and the questionable link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.