The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Stephen Halbrook testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition to Attorney General nominee Eric Holder.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Robert Higgs appears on Fox Business to discuss the economic stimulus package.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Ron Paul, Richard Shenkman, and Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore, discuss which presidents were the best and worst at promoting peace, prosperity, and liberty.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Stephen Halbrook author of The Founders’ Second Amendment, discusses a new proposal that would require Illinois gun owners to carry $1 million liability insurance in a conversation with Fox News' Glenn Beck.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Economists Roberts Higgs and Stan Liebowitz join the panel of the McCuistion Program on PBS to discuss causes of the current economic crisis.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Mary Theroux, Independent Institute Senior Vice President, appears on Comcast Newsmakers to discuss the Independent Scholarship Fund, a privately funded organization offering K-12 private and parochial school tuition assistance to San Francisco East Bay students.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2011

Senior Fellow Robert Higgs discusses his work as an author and political economist in a featured interview with In Depth on C-SPAN2's Book TV.