The Power of Independent Thinking

Volume 23  Number 1  •  Summer 2018
Browse Issues:

In this issue...

Introduction: Symposium on Drones
Consumer Privacy in an Age of Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Rules for Preventing Conflicts between Drones and Other Aircraft
Lethal Use of Drones: When the Executive Is the Judge, Jury, and Executioner
The Drone Paradox: Fighting Terrorism with Mechanized Terror
Why We Fight: A Study of U.S. Government War-Making Propaganda
Why Did the Roosevelt Administration Think Cartels, Higher Wages, and Shorter Workweeks Would Promote Recovery from the Great Depression?
China’s Next Ten Years
A Short Note about Inequality
Gene Sharp: The “Clausewitz of Nonviolent Warfare”

Review Essay
Coal Miners, Class Differences, and the Unpopularity of Isms: A Review Essay on George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier

Book Reviews
The Development Dilemma: Security, Prosperity and a Return to History
Digital Revolutions in Public Finance
Hayek vs Keynes: A Battle of Ideas
Why Liberalism Failed
The War against Cash

Feedback and Correction in Government and the Market

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