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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Health Plan Mergers: Clash of the Lobbying Titans
Why Does Anyone Work?
Limited Benefit Insurance
An Alternative to Obamacare
Why Raising the Minimum Wage Is a Bad Idea
U.S. Response to Syrian Civil War and Refugee Crisis Is Telling
Pay for Doing Nothing Is Called Status Quo at Caltrans
How a Gold-Backed Bond Could Open an Avenue to Monetary Reform
The ‘Clean Power Plan’ Still Blocks Expansion of Nuke-Generated Electricity
Don’t Let State Hide Test Scores
Cato Goes Off the Rails on Health Policy
Obamacare’s Tanning Tax Causes a Slow Burn
A supposed revenue-generating provision of Obamacare is an expensive bust.
Iran Nuclear Deal: What Now?
Recognize that Iraq Is History
Occupational Licensing and Health Spending
Earth to Paul Krugman and the New York Times: Debt Is Not Good
Mises and the Market
Don’t Repeal the Cadillac Plan Tax—Replace It
What Can Go Wrong with a Private Health Insurance Exchange? A Lot
Why Conservatives Should Care About Ferguson
Republicans Who Blame Obama over Iran Should Recall Bush’s Role
Questionable Laws Turn Sex into a Police Process
Airline Cartel on the Loose?
Why Bobby Jindal Is Wrong About Scott Walker’s Health Plan
Scott Walker’s Health Plan: Good, but Could Be Better
Vero Beach May Need to Consider Bankruptcy

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  • Beyond Homeless