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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Climategate Distortion of Temperature Data
Why Freeze Spending on Only Part of the Budget?
The Toxic Tongue
The Disappearing Private-Sector Jobs
Earthquakes and Economic Development
The Next Crisis for Obama?
Open Letter to Sebastian Pinera
Generation Abdulmutallab
Young Africans Have Been Failed by Their Governments and are Increasingly Turning to Extremism.
Fuzzy Unemployment Math
Just What We Need: More Pentagon Spending
Politics Gets in the Way of Obama’s Perceptiveness
Kafka’s Ordeal
Science Rules the FBI Should Obey
Chairman Bernanke’s Monetary Apologia
Discounting the role Fed policy played in the crisis won’t help avert the next one.
The Meat Market
Is Dick Cheney Unpatriotic?
Latin America’s Tilt to the Right?
The Naughties Weren’t All Bad
Terror on Board
Learning the Wrong Lessons From the Attempted Bombing
A Tale of Two Pigs
Trying to Reduce Our Only Existential Threat
Chile’s Second Transition
President Plans Another (Misguided) Stimulus Rush
Barack Obama’s Doublespeak “Peace” Speech

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