The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Mon. May 16, 2016

Abby Hall Blanco analyzes the discussion about national surveillance, the case of Edward Snowden and the leak of classified NSA information that confirmed the government collects and has access to the personal information of US citizens, as well as how individual freedom and privacy have been hijacked through the years under the guise of protection from terrorism.

Posted: Wed. May 11, 2016

Join Independent Institute at the 2016 Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminars. By learning the ethical and economic principles of free societies that are essential to understanding, appreciating, and preparing for real world issues, college-aged students put themselves in the driver’s seat of “The Free Life”: a life of liberty in pursuit of the good. Are you up to the challenge?

More information at

June 20–24, 2016: Santa Clara, California
July 18–22, 2016: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Posted: Wed. May 4, 2016

In this panel held in 1999, Williamson Evers, Andrew J. Coulson, and Myron Lieberman analyze the U.S. educational system focusing on three main topics: What are the problems in American schools? Why are American schools facing these problems? What kind of system do we want?

Posted: Tue. April 26, 2016

David Beckworth, host of "Macro Musings" podcast interviewed Scott Sumner, author of "The Midas Paradox", on the content of this book, what caused the Great Depression, monetary economics among other topics.

Thanks to Mercatus Center at George Mason University for the permission to publish this podcast.

Posted: Wed. April 20, 2016

Aired on March 11, 2016, television personality John Stossel (Host of Stossel on Fox Business) presented the ten worst political promises from the US candidates like Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz among others. Benjamin Powell, Research Fellow of Independent Institute was invited to analyze these promises.

Posted: Mon. April 11, 2016, 11:45pm PT

James Bailey analyzes the public healthcare system in the United States. He compares the cost of healthcare in the US to the amount spent in other developed countries well-known for the quality of their service.

Posted: Tue. April 5, 2016

This event was organized by the Independent Institute held on March 31, 1999 in Oakland California.

Introductory remarks by David J. Theroux.

TIBOR MACHAN: Until his death on March 24, 2016, Tibor R. Machan was a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, R.C. Hoiles Professor of Business Ethics and Free Enterprise at Chapman University, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Auburn University, Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute and Ludwig von Mises Institute, and Senior Fellow at the Heartland Institute. Hes is the author of the Independent Institute book, Private Rights and public Illusions.

Professor of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo, and author of The Libertarian Idea.

David J. Theroux is Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Independent Institute and Publisher of The Independent Review.

Posted: Fri. March 25, 2016

Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute speaks at the Cato Institute about his latest book, “Taking a Stand: Reflections on Life, Liberty, and the Economy,” a collection of ninety-nine short pieces on a range of subjects including economic analysis, law, politics, and remembrances of colleagues.

This video was produced by Cato Institute, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.