The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. March 11, 2016

Research Fellow Abigail R. Hall Blanco is interviewed on the Larry Conners USA radio program about the effects of the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,” which was enacted in 2012 and championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. Despite its noble goals and good intentions, the lunch program is creating a black market for food that students actually will eat. Studies also show the perverse effects of the program: cutting staff at lunchrooms in schools, layoffs, and deferred hiring. The new rules are prompting kids to throw away more food, among other unintended consequences of the federally mandated school lunch program. March 9, 2016

Posted: Fri. February 19, 2016

Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr. appeared on Larry Conners USA on KTRS radio, to talk about US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his impact on the Supreme Court and the US Constitution. A strict constitutionalist, Scalia rejected the idea that the Constitution is a “living, breathing” document. Watkins offers his unique perspective on Antonin Scalia and his legacy for America. Watkins also talks about the future of the court and how and when a replacement for Scalia might be chosen. He says “Our Constitution is more in jeopardy than it has been for a long time.”

Posted: Thu. February 18, 2016

Independent Institute Senior Fellow John R. Graham and Washington Examiner managing editor Philip Klein discuss free market healthcare reforms and federal involvement in healthcare in the wake of the Affordable Care Act and the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell decision at the 2015 Western Conservative Summit.

Posted: Thu. February 4, 2016

Presidential candidate Donald Trump and the New York Times have recently demonized China for its relationship with Iran, but Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland cautions against such rhetoric. Economically, China is not much of a threat, says Eland. China’s thirst for oil might actually help drive down the price of oil. Criticizing China for human rights violations usually leads to a backlash that harms dissidents. China’s territorial claims in the South China Seas are too far away for the US to be concerned about, says Eland. China is often seen as the evil enemy some politicians in the US need to appear as if they are strong candidates.

Posted: Fri. January 8, 2016

Ivan Eland, Senior Fellow of the Independent Institute, is interviewed by TRT World about the tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran following the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the Saudi Arabian government.

Posted: Mon. December 28, 2015

Research Fellow Abigail R. Hall recently wrote an Op-Ed in Forbes about the solution to the growing need for organ transplants: allowing the sale of human organs. Hall rebuts critics who say only poor people would sell their organs, or the practice is morally objectionable. On the contrary, she says. By legalizing the sale of organs, thousands of lives could be saved and desperate, long waits for organ donations would ease.

Posted: Fri. December 18, 2015

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David J. Theroux, Founder and President of the Independent Institute, presents the idea and concept behind Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate, the award-winning, satirical video series that portrays the federal government as an overbearing boyfriend — Scott “Gov” Govinsky — who foists his “good intentions” on a hapless, idealistic college student, Alexis Smith.

Posted: Wed. December 16, 2015

Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice is interviewed about Texas Congressman Pete Sessions’ proposed alternative to Obamacare. It’s legislation that will fix problems with the healthcare system that the Affordable Care Act failed to do. Instead of subsidies, everyone—regardless of income—will be treated equally. Under the proposed plan, which Goodman is helping to craft, the healthcare marketplace will be utilized to lower costs to consumers, with government playing a minimal role.