The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. August 21, 2013

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland talks with host Ernie Brown about airport security and the TSA’s new PreCheck program on America’s Radio News Network.

Posted: Tue. August 13, 2013

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland discusses US–Russia relations and Edward Snowden, the NSA whistle blower on CCTV's "BizAsia America" show.

Posted: Mon. August 12, 2013

Anthony Gregory, Mary L. G. Theroux and Ivan Eland discuss the expansion of the military state in the U.S. on the "Steel on Steel" radio show with host John Loeffler.

Posted: Mon. August 12, 2013

Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and author of “Delusions of Power,” speaks at the 2013 Mises University, hosted by the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 27 July 2013.

Posted: Fri. August 9, 2013

In a cold war of words, President Barack Obama told Russian President Vladimir Putin he wouldn’t attend a Moscow summit in September. Research Fellow Anthony Gregory compares the two leaders’ record on human rights and asks why they would even meet in the first place.

Posted: Thu. August 1, 2013

Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to protect government whistle-blowers in an effort to be more transparent. When U.S. Army private Bradley Manning was convicted of espionage, Independent Institute Research Fellow Anthony Gregory said it's time to make a choice.

Posted: Tue. July 30, 2013

Mary Theroux, Senior Vice President at the Independent Institute, is interviewed by host Ernie Brown on the topic of Edward Snowden and the US Government’s Surveillance State.

Posted: Fri. July 19, 2013

Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on the Fox Business Channel’s “Stossel” show, recorded in Las Vegas, during FreedomFest. Powell discusses the valuation of US currency, the economic constant of greed, and the gold standard among other topics.