The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Thu. May 20, 2021, 3:19pm PT

The University of California system will no longer consider SAT or ACT scores from incoming students. Independent Institute Senior Fellow Dr. Williamson M. Evers says these tests are a proven predictor of students' grade point averages and graduation rates and are essential to enable poor students who may otherwise be overlooked. The tests, he says, are a useful tool to help universities choose good students.

Posted: Wed. May 19, 2021, 3:18pm PT

Senior Fellow Williamson M. Evers, Director of the Independent Institute’s Center on Education Excellence, says that “Critical Race Theory” in education assumes everything in American society is based on race and oppression and it is wrong to teach this in college and K-12 as a factual matter. School choice gives parents some options, says Dr. Evers, but parents need to address this with their public schools as soon as possible.

Posted: Mon. May 17, 2021, 10:11am PT

Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate (Revised and Expanded Third Edition) talks about co-author Fred Singer's legacy and the research that went in to the updated book on the impacts of climate change. The climate always has changed and always will change, says Legates. People can adapt to the climate warming, no matter the cause, he says. Legates talks about a number of climate science topics saying that science is never “settled.”

Posted: Fri. May 14, 2021, 9:32am PT

Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class? is interviewed about the upcoming US Supreme Court case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York which may allow easier access to concealed carry permits in the handful of states which deny that right to most citizens.

Posted: Thu. May 13, 2021, 3:47pm PT

Senior Fellow Williamson M. Evers appears on Fox News to comment on California's end of advanced math, in the name of equity.

Posted: Wed. May 12, 2021, 4:07pm PT

In this fascinating Independent Conversation, world-renowned education scholar and best-selling author Dr. James Tooley is interviewed by Independent Institute Executive Director Dr. Graham H. Walker on Dr. Tooley's new Independent book, Really Good Schools: Global Lessons for High-Caliber, Low-Cost Education, and the issues of educational choice, opportunity, and quality, including the worldwide development of low-cost, private schools for the poor and their relevance to America.

Posted: Wed. May 12, 2021, 10:28am PT

Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class? talks about the upcoming US Supreme Court case New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett, which will determine the right to carry (or bear) arms outside of one's home. Based on the text of the Second Amendment and traditions of the United States, there are a handful of states which deny the right to carry arms.

Posted: Thu. May 6, 2021, 9:47am PT

In this eighteenth episode of Independent Outlook, David Theroux, Williamson Evers, and Graham Walker examine the recall of California Governor Gavin Newsom; school choice and K-12 school shutdowns; rebellions against "progressive" wokeness and Big Government; critical race theory and cancel culture; climate change and climate alarmism; gun control and the Second Amendment at the U.S. Supreme Court; and much more.