Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
12/29/2011 Research Director Alex Tabarrok quoted in Philadelphia Inquirer article “Camden collects 57 guns in exchange for grocery vouchers” regarding gun buyback programs
12/29/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth answers the question “Who should pay for highways?” for the Sacramento Bee
12/28/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland’s recent article “Sometimes, Bad-Tasting Medicine Needs to Be Swallowed”
12/23/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden’s Forbes article “Last-Minute Gifts: Spectacular? Special? Spirit of Retsyn?”
12/22/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in nationally syndicated column by John Stossel, “Obamacare Abominations”
12/21/2011 Art Carden in Christian Science Monitor article “Are economy experts less likely to give to charity?”
12/20/2011 Fox Business article “Government Files Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Itself!” quotes Senior Fellow Robert Higgs
12/20/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland interview with Iran English Radio regarding “Fresh protests of the Bahraini people against Ale Khalifa dynasty”
12/20/2011 Research Director Alex Tabarrok in The Atlantic article “The No-Brainer Issue of the Year: Let High-Skill Immigrants Stay”
12/19/2011 Research Fellow John Goodman in Wall Street Journal: “Why Mandated Health Insurance Is Unfair”
12/18/2011 Art Carden’s new column in Forbes “Ruining Christmas: An Economist’s Guide”
12/17/2011 “The Mask Slips: The Durban meeting shows that climate policy and climate science inhabit parallel worlds” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Letter to the Editor in Nature
12/16/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell discusses with MSN Money the current administration’s “report card”
12/15/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory in Huffington Post article “It’s Up to the Public to Vindicate Bill of Rights Day”
12/15/2011 Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook in the Wake Forest Law Review on “No Right to ‘Bear Arms’? A Critical Analysis of United States v. Masciandaro
12/15/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell in Daily Caller article “Payroll tax political theater”
12/14/2011 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Investors Business Daily article “New President Won’t Have It Easy In Spain”
12/13/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs featured at New American in “Dependency on Government Continues to Grow”
12/13/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden in Christian Science Monitor article “Has the ‘Occupy’ movement jumped the shark?” regarding the protestors blockading various ports
12/12/2011 Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa quoted in Bloomberg News article “Humala Replaces 10 Ministers After Mine Protests Shake Peru”
12/11/2011 Bangor Daily News cites Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in article “Stop the war profiteers”
12/11/2011 Pittsburg Tribune Review article “We Have Lost our Way” cites Senior Fellow Robert Higgs regarding the welfare state
12/9/2011 International Business Times cites Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in article “Entrepreneurs and Investment: Past, Present . . . Future?”
12/9/2011 Senior Fellow Art Carden Forbes article “Occupy Bourbon Street? Big-Time Sports and Inequality”
12/8/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland article “Pro-Business vs. Pro-Market: What’s the Difference?”
12/8/2011 Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review article “Civil Society Or Dictatorship?”
12/7/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs’s “The Welfare State Neutralizes Opponents by Making Them Dependent on Government” at Big Government
12/7/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland interview with Iran English Radio regarding the “Opposition of Yemenis with Saleh’s power transfer deal”
12/5/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs’s article “The Government Is Expropriating Private Wealth at a Rapid Rate” in Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government
12/4/2011 Research Fellow S. Fred Singer cited at Orange County Register in article by Mark Landsbaum, “Global warming alarmists try again”
12/1/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory’s recent blogging high-lighted at New American in “McDonald’s Finds McEasy Way to Evade San Francisco Happy Meal Ban”
11/30/2011 Independent Institute book The Pursuit of Justice reviewed favorably in The Freeman

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