Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/27/2017 “In The Tank (ep112) – Restoring the Dignity of Work, Medicaid Expansion, and ESAs for California” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure and Customized Learning for California: Helping K–12 Students Thrive with Education Savings Accounts cited on podcast
10/26/2017 Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on Morning Drive In Person With Dina Marie on Mater Dei radio
10/26/2017 Pope Francis and the Caring Society is reviewed on The Imaginative Conservative
10/26/2017 “Are Free Minds and Free Markets Compatible With Christianity?” Pope Francis and the Caring Society and Independent Institute Founder and President David Theroux quoted on
10/25/2017 “An Outrageous Proposal—Or not” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in
10/24/2017 “Government Enforcers and Group Psychology” Sr. Fellow Bruce Benson, author of The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State cited on
10/24/2017 “Customized Learning for California” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure on Independent Women’s Forum
10/24/2017 China’s Great Migration by Research Fellow Bradley Gardner cited in The Hill
10/24/2017 Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on GRN Alive with Dave Palmer radio show
10/23/2017 “Bully for Budget Cuts” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure and Williamson M. Evers Op-Ed in the Hoover Digest
10/23/2017 “A Libertarian Oasis in a Statist World” Taking A Stand by Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs is reviewed on
10/22/2017 “Happy World Development Information Day!” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in The Hill
10/22/2017 “Oroville Dam: Independent Institute Report Calls for DWR to Transfer Dam Ownership” Independent Institute California Golden Fleece Award and Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan cited in The Chico Enterprise-Record and other MediaNews group newspapers
10/22/2017 “Was C.S. Lewis a Libertarian?” Independent Institute Founder and President David J. Theroux cited on
10/22/2017 “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen in Proposals to Ban Internal-Combustion Engines in California” Sr. Fellow William F. Shughart II and Grant Patty Op-Ed on
10/21/2017 “One Step Closer to Making Tax Reform a Reality” by William F. Shughart II, Research Director at the Independent Institute (Investor’s Business Daily)
10/21/2017 “Trump Should Cut Spending, Not Taxes—at Least Not Yet” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Hill
10/20/2017 “Republican Tax Reform” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman appears on the Fox Business Network
10/20/2017 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, creator of Independent Institute’s California Golden Fleece Award appears on the Lars Larson radio show
10/19/2017 “‘Historical Fiction’ at Duke” Research Fellow Michael Munger’s review essay in The Independent Review cited in The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required)
10/19/2017 Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on the Mike Janocik show on WLCR radio (KY)
10/19/2017 “Spain Should Let the Catalans Decide Their Own Future” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Newsweek
10/19/2017 “Dubious Dam Award-DWR Gets Booby Prize for Oroville Dam Debacle” Independent Institute’s California Golden Fleece Award cited in Chico News & Review
10/18/2017 “Macron’s Reforms are Key to France’s Leadership in Europe” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Hill
10/18/2017 “Trump and the Foreign Emoluments Clause” Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr., author of Crossroads for Liberty appears on SiriusXM Radio Patriot Channel
10/18/2017 “California Wildfires Fuel Globalist Agenda” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science cited in The New American
10/18/2017 “Repeal California’s Gas Tax increase, says GOP Candidate for Governor” Independent Institute’s Golden Fleece Award cited in Op-Ed in The San Francisco Chronicle
10/17/2017 Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Catholic Radio
10/17/2017 “Little Agreement in NAFTA Talks” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Reuters TV
10/16/2017 Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on the Morning Glory Radio Show on the EWTN network
10/16/2017 “‘Speculative historical fiction’: Duke professors criticize colleague’s award-nominated book” Research Fellow Michael Munger’s book review in The Independent Review cited on the Duke Chronicle
10/14/2017 Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice appears on the Larry Kudlow radio show

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless