Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
6/30/2011 Senior Fellow William Shughart's article in the Sacramento Bee on the need to reduce taxes
6/30/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs's analysis "The Continuing Puzzle of the Hyperinflation that Hasn�t Occurred" discussed in the Christian Science Monitor
6/30/2011 New Ivan Eland article “Like Nixon, Obama Will Waste Lives to Get Reelected”
6/30/2011 Art Carden in Forbes talking about the TSA "security theatrics"
6/30/2011 Research Fellow Vern McKinley cited at regarding the FDIC in the sub-prime mortgage bubble
6/30/2011 Senior Fellow William Shughart's article in the Sacramento Bee on the need to reduce taxes
6/30/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs's analysis "The Continuing Puzzle of the Hyperinflation that Hasn’t Occurred" discussed in the Christian Science Monitor
6/29/2011 Research Fellow Vern McKinley cited at regarding the FDIC in the sub-prime mortgage bubble
6/28/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory quoted in newest John Stossel syndicated column
6/26/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Forbes article “The Proliferation of Illegal Wars Erodes American Values”
6/25/2011 Tibor Machan in Eurasia Review on "Non-Interventionist Or Interventionist?"
6/24/2011 ALERT: Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell Appeared on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Tuesday, June 28th
6/23/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden in Forbes article “The Drug War: What is it Good For?”
6/23/2011 Richard Vedder cited in the Knoxville Examiner on “Are tuition hikes really necessary?”
6/22/2011 Ivan Eland discusses The War Powers Resolution in his piece “Republicans Bungle War-Powers Pushback”
6/22/2011 Ivan Eland cited at Kansas City InfoZine on "Republicans Bungle War Powers Pushback"
6/21/2011 Senior Fellow Charles Pena cited in Christian Science Monitor regarding the House vote on U.S. involvement in Libya
6/21/2011 Charles Peña Interview on WTOP Radio, discussing President Obama’s announcement on troop withdrawal Wednesday evening.
6/21/2011 “Science and Smear Merchants” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
6/20/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth cited in the NCPA's Daily Policy Digest on the fallacy of federal transportation infrastructure
6/20/2011 Jonathan Bean is interviewed regarding Race and Liberty in America by the National Association of Scholars
6/17/2011 Research fellow Art Carden in Forbes article "Price Gouging Laws Hurt Storm Victims"
6/17/2011 Vern McKinley and Tom Fitton in Forbes article "Sheila Bair's Legacy: Bailouts, Secrecy And Power Grabs"
6/15/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business Network's Freedom Watch about his Policy Report, What Price War?
6/15/2011 Ivan Eland article "Triumphalism Hides Many Important Foreign-Policy Failures"
6/15/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business Network's Freedom Watch about his Policy Report, What Price War?
6/13/2011 Robert Higgs mention in Philadelphia Inquirer article "The real story about the 30's double dip"
6/10/2011 Alex Tabarrok mention in The Atlantic article "The Crisis in Male Wages"
6/10/2011 Ivan Eland on "Troop Withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq"
6/9/2011 Art Carden in Forbes article "Immigration Crackdowns are Unnecessary and Invasive"
6/9/2011 Ivan Eland in Consortium News on "Can Obama Escape from Afghan War?"
6/9/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Thursday, June 9th

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