Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
7/8/2024 “Supreme Court’s Chevron Ruling Is a Major Victory for American Higher Education” Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in Minding the Campus
7/5/2024 “Real Free Speech Requires Real Freedom” Research Fellow William J. Watkins Jr,. author of Crossroads for Liberty Op-Ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and several syndicated newspapers
7/4/2024 “We Need Rational Patriotism” Senior Fellows Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall, coauthors of How to Run Wars Op-Ed on
7/4/2024 “Invoking the Rule of Completeness on Independence Day” Research Fellow William J. Watkins Jr., author of Crossroads for Liberty Op-Ed on
7/2/2024 “Who Loves Minimum Wage Laws? Kiosk Makers.” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
7/1/2024 “ULTRAs: The Worst Idea You’ve Never Heard Of” Senior Fellow Michael Munger Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
7/1/2024 “Fact-Checking the Two Presidents” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed on
6/29/2024 “Why We Hate Each Other” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed on
6/28/2024 Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny & Resistance by Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in Ammoland
6/28/2024 “Eternal WARS: Dissecting the Military Industrial Complex” Senior Fellow Christopher Coyne, coauthor of How to Run Wars interviewed on the Kate Wand Show
6/27/2024 “FBI Raids Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
6/27/2024 “California Supreme Court Steals Power from the People” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and 10 Southern California News Group newspapers
6/26/2024 “Supreme Court: Rahimi Preserves Bruen” Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed on
6/25/2024 “From Solzhenitsyn to US Governors: No Lessons Learned” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
6/25/2024 “Exposing Elite Cynicism with Satirical Truth” How to Run Wars by Senior Fellows Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall reviewed by The Libertarian Institute
6/25/2024 “Proposed Wealth Taxation Threatens Jobs, Savings, and Privacy” Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan Op-Ed in Bloomberg Tax Tax Management Memorandum and The Exchange (pdf)
6/25/2024 “Thank Walmart, not Biden or Trump, for Lower Insulin Prices” Research Fellow and Director of Raymond March Op-Ed in The Washington Times
6/24/2024 “The National Security State” Senior Fellows Abigail Hall and Christopher Coyne, coauthors of How to Run Wars interviewed on Center for a Stateless Society’s Mutual Exchange Radio
6/24/2024 “The National Debt Is over $34 Trillion. It’s Time to Tell the Truth about the U.S. Government’s Finances” Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in Fortune and MSN News
6/24/2024 “Understanding the Mechanisms of Modern Warfare” Senior Fellow Abigail Hall, coauthor of How to Run Wars, interviewed on WWTC Northern Alliance Radio.
6/23/2024 “The War on Terror Is Still Hamstringing U.S. Foreign Policy” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The American Conservative
6/21/2024 “How (Not) to Run Wars” Senior Fellow Christopher Coyne, coauthor of How to Run Wars interviewed on the Tom Woods Show
6/19/2024 “Top Secret: How to Run a Great War” Senior Fellows Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall, coauthors of How to Run Wars appear on the Trip the Beltway Fantastic Podcast
6/19/2024 “The Bellicose Evils of the Perpetual War Machine” How to Run Wars coauthors Abigail Hall and Christopher Coyne interviewed on the Free the People podcast
6/19/2024 “Stiglitz: When Good Minds Seek Fools’ Favor” Senior Fellow Michael Munger Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
6/19/2024 “Argentina’s Next Priority, After Setback on Inflation, Will Be the Need for Dollarization of Its Monetary System” Senior Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in The New York Sun
6/18/2024 “Bump Stocks Are Not Machineguns” Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy
6/18/2024 “Educational fakery and anti-Semitism in the Golden State” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Orange County Register
6/18/2024 “Educational fakery and anti-Semitism in the Golden State” The New American Anti-Semitism by Research Fellow Benjamin Ginsberg cited in The Orange County Register and 10 other Southern California News Group newspapers
6/18/2024 “Don’t Expect Trump’s All-Tariff Revenue Plan to ‘Starve the Beast’” Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets
6/18/2024 “The Bad Theology of Our Israel First Foreign Policy” Research Fellow William J. Watkins, author of Crossroads for Liberty Op-Ed in Chronicles Magazine
6/15/2024 “Grade Inflation and Campus Protests” Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The American Spectator

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