The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. October 12, 2022, 9:51am PT

Senior Fellow Lawrence J. McQuillan discusses California mismanagement of forests, resulting in out of control wildfires.

Related: California Wildfires: Key Recommendations to Prevent Future Disasters

Posted: Thu. October 6, 2022, 5:34pm PT

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan has written about California’s problems including; wildfire management, homelessness, underfunded public pensions, crime, stifling regulations, and much more. He talks with WIND radio’s Shaun Thompson about free market solutions to California’s many problems.

Posted: Wed. October 5, 2022, 3:01pm PT

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan talks about his recent Op-Ed in The American Conservative, outlining the steps to solve San Francisco's homeless problem. He speaks to the roadblocks to getting people off the streets of San Francisco and how property rights is the solution to this issue everywhere in the United States.

Posted: Wed. October 5, 2022, 9:10am PT

Host of the documentary “Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope” Mary Theroux speaks on KGO radio about the ways to solve homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. The model is working in San Antonio, TX, where homelessness has decreased in the last 10 years. A holistic approach is needed where individuals can get customized treatment and recovery, along with services from nonprofits and government agencies, working together strategically, while being accountable to the public with transparent outcomes.

Posted: Fri. September 30, 2022, 2:50pm PT

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of the California Golden Fleece® Award “California Wildfires: Key Recommendations to Prevent Future Disasters” is interviewed on The Mike Ryan radio show. McQuillan discusses his recommendations to reduce wildfires. The recommendations include proactive forest management, conducting more prescribed burns to thin the forest fuels, and much more. McQuillan also recommends allowing private property owners to more easily remove trees, especially near communities.

Posted: Thu. September 29, 2022, 5:09pm PT

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of the California Golden Fleece® Award “California Wildfires: Key Recommendations to Prevent Future Disasters” appears on the Andy Caldwell show to discuss ways that California can manage forests to prevent large wildfires. Recent fires could have been prevented by reducing fuels and thinning the forest, but the federal government, the owners of the forest, delayed the plan. Local land owners and communities are better incentivized to manage forests, McQuillan says, which would reduce the ocurance of megafires in California.

Posted: Wed. September 28, 2022, 1:47pm PT

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of "California Wildfires: Key Recommendations to Prevent Future Disasters" is interviewed on the Bryan McClain radio show. McQuillan talks about the ways that California can better manage forest fires with prevention methods that are less expensive than fire suppression, which happens once a fire starts. McQuillan also talks about public policies that can improve the overall health of forests fostering private property rights.

Posted: Tue. September 20, 2022, 12:43pm PT

Dr. Williamson Evers (Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education)
Mr. Michael DC Bowen (Co-Founder of Free Black Thought)
Mr. Eli Steele (Award-winning Filmmaker and Writer, Fox News, CFER Advisor)

Mr. Mars Cheung (Volunteer at Foundation against Racism & Intolerance)