The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Mon. June 18, 2012

Research Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless, on GBTV discussing the pending US Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

Posted: Tue. June 12, 2012

Research Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless, interviewed on The Street says market forces, not government intervention, are the key to curing the healthcare crisis.

Posted: Fri. June 8, 2012

Research Fellow Dr. John C. Goodman is interviewed by Mary Kissel of the Wall Street Journal: Opinion Journal on his new book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis.

Posted: Thu. June 7, 2012

Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke gives a talk based on the triple meaning of the title of his new book, Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, at the Univeridad Francisco Marroquin.

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Kelo v. New London that local governments may force property owners to sell out and to make way for private economic development, even if the property is not blighted. In response, many states have passed legislation and proposed amendments to their state constitutions to block this unprecedented government assault on the rights of property owners.

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Delusions of Power, discusses the “vulgar Keynesianism” of Paul Krugman with Martha Montelongo on Gadfly Radio.

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

The recent elections in Iraq have not resolved the main problems there—a constitutional crisis, continued terrorism, a potent Sunni rebellion, and fighting between religious and ethnic groups that could result in a full-blown civil war. Is the Iraq war a hopeless quagmire that has been lost, or can the U.S. still foster a united, peaceful and prosperous Iraq?

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

The recent U.S. alignment with India seems to be another indicator of an informal U.S. policy to contain China. Will strategic containment work if China is allowed to fully integrate itself with the world economy?