The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Tue. March 5, 2013

Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell discusses the minimum wage on The Schilling Show WINA Radio, with Host Rob Schilling.

Posted: Mon. March 4, 2013

Independent Watch, a new video channel produced by the Independent Institute studio in Oakland, CA, launches with Research Fellow and author, Anthony Gregory! Read Anthony's Huffington Post piece.

Posted: Mon. February 25, 2013

Alexander Tabarrok, Research Director at the Independent Institute, speaks with Lyanne Melendez of KGO-TV on city gun buy-back programs.

Posted: Tue. February 19, 2013

Senior Fellow Randy Simmons interviewed by Richard Reinsch of Liberty Law Talk on his new Independent Institute book Beyond Politics: The Roots of Government Failure

Posted: Fri. February 1, 2013

On April 23, 2012, Benjamin Powell gave the following speech at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s “Economic Liberty Lecture Series.” The speech, “Implications of the Crash of 2008,” can viewed above in its entirety.

Benjamin Powell is an associate professor of economics at Suffolk University, the President of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, a senior economist with the Beacon Hill Institute, and a senior fellow with the Independent Institute. He earned his B.S. in economics and finance from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University.

Posted: Fri. February 1, 2013

Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke interviewed by Russell Roberts of EconTalk on his new Independent Institute book Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Posted: Thu. January 17, 2013

This presentation is from our 2012 Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminar for high school students, which was held from June 18 to 22, 2012, at the Independent Institute Conference Center, Oakland, California.
View videos and more information about the Summer Seminars.

Posted: Wed. January 16, 2013

Alexander Tabarrok, Research Director for the Independent Institute, discusses gun buyback programs on America’s Radio News Network hosted by Ernie Brown and Rachel Sutherland.