The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Stephen Goldsmith

Mayor, City of Indianapolis, Indiana

Author, "The Twenty-First Century City"

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

"Dependence” on government has grown at unprecedented rates over the past 70 years. This ominous trend has coincided with the growth of centralized government power, which at its own discretion is used to regulate, manipuate, or prohibit. Driven by bipartisanship, bureaucracies, and interest groups, and accelerated by presidential ambitions, this trend has been so profound that few today can imagine life without government control. Economist and historian Charlotte Twight, one of the leading experts on politics and privacy, showed how special-interest politics created the income tax, Social Security, Medicare, surveillance of ordinary citizens, and other linchpins of the “dependence-state,” which in turn have made opposition to centralized control seemingly futile. She will then offer a strategy to reverse this trend in order to fulfill the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Economics is never the "dismal science" when discussed by Nobel Laureate economist Gary S. Becker and his wife, the historian Guity Nashat Becker. In this Independent Policy Forum and based on their book, The Economics of Life: From Baseball to Affirmative Action to Immigration, How Real-World Issues Affect Our Everyday Life, the Beckers will examine the "war on drugs," healthcare, education, marriage and divorce, the homeless, immigration, corporate leadership, religion, baseball, affirmative action, the minimum wage, Social Security, crime, and much more.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Many people have wondered how technological progress will affect political, economic, and civil freedoms. With the rise of encryption software, the National Security Agency's Echelon worldwide surveillance system, and the FBI's Carnivore e-mail snooping program, this subject is no longer the exclusive domain of speculative thinkers or futurists, it is the subject of intense public-policy debate. Will privacy-enhancing technology improve faster than privacy-threatening technology? Should the government mandate privacy standards? Should it enforce contracts in cyberspace, or would private law do a better job? Economist, physicist, and legal scholar David Friedman discussed these and related questions about technological change and the case for and against government involvement.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

The 20th Century has witnessed state-sponsored carnage on an unprecedented scale. What made this era so susceptible to Hitler’s “Final Solution,” Stalin’s Gulag, Mao’s “Great Leap Forward,” Pol Pot’s killing fields, and other atrocities? Does the answer lie in the rogue ideologies that found acceptance among society’s intellectual elites—“isms” that elevated the dictates of the State over the rights of the individual and the institutions of civil society? Celebrated historian Robert Conquest discusses the rise of these ideologies—and how to protect the 21st Century from their destructive grip.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Subscribe: Is global warming real, imminent, and a threat to human life? Have such predictions been established scientifically? The proposed Global Climate Treaty calls for extensive government controls to reduce fossil fuel use. Yet, there is no scientific consensus to support global-warming pessimism. Would the proposed massive 'carbon' taxes and other controls put our society- especially those most disadvantaged- at great risk? Based on his widely acclaimed book, renowned astrophysicist Fred Singer will separate fact from fiction in this raging global warming debate.

S. Fred Singer

President, Science and Environmental Policy Project

First Director, U. S. Weather Satellite Service

Author, Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

With California's current economic despair, how will we get the economy out of its rut? With compelling portraits of those who defy convention to originate the products that fire a growing economy, George Gilder delivers an ardent message: People must be free as entrepreneurs to innovate and create new wealth through market-based enterprises which benefit everyone.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

A luncheon to honor David Packard, co-founder of The Hewlett-Packard Company.