The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. June 5, 2015

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Arise TV to talk about the Greek Government’s credit deal with the International Monetary Fund. Eland says the last minute deal with Greece’s creditors might prolong the inevitable, that Greece might fall into default on loans. Greece and the EU might be better off if they realize that Greece’s economy is failing.

Posted: Fri. June 5, 2015

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland appears on CCTV to discuss the latest on the situation in Yemen. The Arab League announced it would like to form an Arab joint military force to fight ISIS.

Posted: Wed. June 3, 2015

Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on KLZ radio in Denver, CO. Lawrence talks about the public-pension crisis and how states and cities can change their pension contributions to avoid bankruptcy while honoring commitments to employees.

Posted: Tue. May 19, 2015

Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on America Tonight with Kate Delaney to talk about government spending out of control. Eland compares the US money supply and spending under George W. Bush and Barack Obama to eating candy and getting a "sugar high" instead of a good balanced diet. British Prime Minister David Cameron has followed the examples of US Presidents Harding, Coolidge, Eisenhower and Clinton and embraced austerity to bring about long term prosperity.

Posted: Thu. April 30, 2015

Senior Vice President Mary Theroux is interviewed on radio station KOGO in San Diego to talk about the latest on California's Maximum Family Grant rule for families on welfare. She discusses the underlying reasons why children are born into poverty and the difficulty of breaking the cycle of poverty.

Posted: Mon. April 27, 2015

Senior Fellow Randy Simmons joins WSVA radio's Mike Schikman to talk about the true costs of green energy including government funding and incentives for renewable energy.

Posted: Thu. April 23, 2015

Research Fellow Vern McKinley, author of Financing Failure is interviewed by The Full Disclosure Network about the role of the Federal Reserve and whether or not it protects American citizens from financial disaster.

Posted: Tue. April 21, 2015

Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich, presents oral arguments in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit in the ongoing appeal of the landmark Supreme Court case of Heller v. District of Columbia. The case affirmed the Second Amendment rights of citizens for lawful purposes such as self-defense.