The Lighthouse®
Fifty-five years ago, President Lyndon Johnson announced the War on Poverty. Today, federal anti-poverty spending amounts to $1 trillion per yearexceeding even the Pentagon budgetyet poverty is still with us. In fact, myriad government regulations raise the average cost of living for all Americans, but they disproportionately harm lower-income households.
By Gary M. Galles (The Orange County Register, 2/6/19)
Its to be expected that a presidents State of the Union speech reveals more political disunity than national consensus. The fundamental reason is that politics as we know it is about the use of force to achieve conflicting ends. Because the threat of expropriation weakens incentives to cooperate productively, it creates a negative-sum game of winners and losers.
By Ivan Eland (The Hill, 2/6/19)
If President Trump declares a national emergency for the purpose of raiding the Pentagon budget to fund a border wall, it wouldnt be the first time a president has pursued this sort of constitutionally dubious tactic. Indeed, more than 30 national emergency directives are currently in effectthanks to Congresss failure to use its constitutional authority to curb presidential abuses of power.
By William F. Shughart II (Washington Examiner, 1/23/19)
When he signed the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, President Trump unlocked an estimated 5 billion to 16 billion barrels of oil in Alaskas Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Drilling will be challenging technically and environmentally, but theres no doubt that ANWR will contribute significantly to Americas energy renaissance, providing fuel to power our homes, offices, factories, and vehicles for the foreseeable future.
By Samuel R. Staley (Intellectual Conservative, 2/9/19)
The Golden Globewinning (and Oscar nominated) movie Vice is a creative and at times artistically brilliant look at former Vice President Dick Cheney and his rise to power. Unfortunately, the films partisan propaganda is so heavy-handed that even critics of Dick Cheney will have trouble appreciating its artistic merits.
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Volume 21, Issue 6: February 12, 2019
By Vicki E. Alger (The Daily Caller, 1/29/19)
By Gary M. Galles (The Orange County Register, 2/6/19)

By Ivan Eland (The Hill, 2/6/19)

By William F. Shughart II (Washington Examiner, 1/23/19)

By Samuel R. Staley (Intellectual Conservative, 2/9/19)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Nothing Changes at the TSA, by Craig Eyermann
- The 70 Percent Solution, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Did Racism and Sexism Cause Oroville Dam Spillway Failure?, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Who Owns $21.5 Trillion of the U.S. National Debt?, by Craig Eyermann
- Russia in Venezuela: Good for the US; Bad for Russia, by Randall G. Holcombe
- All Hail the Entrepreneurs (and the Carnitas They Bring Us), by Robert Higgs
- CBO: Autopilot Spending To Send National Debt Soaring, by Craig Eyermann
Catalyst: New Articles
- People, Place, and Automation, by Ryan Khurana
- More Colleges are Saying No to Student Loans: Students Should Explore Other Options
- As Tax Day Approaches, Lets Celebrate Tax Reform, by Luka Ladan
- California Considers Banning Flavored Tobacco Products: A Policy That Would Do More Harm than Good