The Lighthouse®
During the past year, news reports of long lines, mismanagement, and criminal fraud have only worsened the state agencys already-tarnished reputation. Californias DMV needs new leadership with business, personnel, and technology acumen. Anything less than a major overhaul, with a substantially greater role for the private sector, is a non-starter.
California Golden Fleece® Award Exposing Waste, Fraud & Abuse in California Government
Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 1/14/19)
How much of American political culture is explained by the fact so many politicians are graduates from elite coastal schools? And why do corporate CEOs hail from a wider range of institutions of higher learning? These vital questions warrant careful study.
By William F. Shughart II and Josh T. Smith (The Orange County Register, 1/29/19)
California is considering a ban on flavored tobacco products, an effort to stamp out teen vaping. This is a poor policy prescription that would discourage smokers from switching to less dangerous e-cigarettes.
By Dominick T. Armentano (The Daily Caller, 12/22/18)
Changes in solar activitynot carbon dioxide levelsmay be the primary driver of temperature change on Planet Earth. But if CO2 levels are not the leading cause, then the entire case for carbon taxes and other regulations on emissions is severely weakened.
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The American Spectator, 1/24/19)
Roma may or may not win this years Academy Award for Best Picture, but theres no denying the brilliance of its cinematography. As for its social critique of Mexico City in the early 1970s, much of the films message is still relevant today, although not necessarily in the way that filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón intended.
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Volume 21, Issue 5: February 5, 2019

California Golden Fleece® Award Exposing Waste, Fraud & Abuse in California Government
Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 1/14/19)

By William F. Shughart II and Josh T. Smith (The Orange County Register, 1/29/19)
By Dominick T. Armentano (The Daily Caller, 12/22/18)

By Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The American Spectator, 1/24/19)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- USDA Imposes The Worst Regulation Ever, by Craig Eyermann
- Super Bowl Schools America, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Nationalism, the Ideological Delusion at the Heart of Protectionism, by Robert Higgs
- Right-to-Try Laws Help Patient with Terminal Brain Cancer, by Raymond J. March
- How Much Did the Government Shutdown Cost the Economy?, by Craig Eyermann
Catalyst: New Articles
- The California Golden Fleece Award Is Announced!
- Fostering Learning through Video Games, by Kristiana Bolzman
- Genetics-Based Medicine Can Save Millions of Lives and Billions of Dollars, by Ross Marchand