Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
4/20/2010 An Antiwar Radio interview: Robert Higgs vs. James Galbraith
4/19/2010 An interview with Senior Fellow Robert Higgs by
4/19/2010 Robert Nelson opines on Earth Day in the Des Moines Register
4/16/2010 The New Holy Wars cited by the Orange County Register
4/16/2010 The Freeman quotes Arthur A. Ekirch Jr.’s The Decline of American Liberalism
4/16/2010 D.W. MacKenzie in the Buffalo News: Laws of economics will judge healthcare reform
4/16/2010 “Man should be free to love the Earth” Robert H. Nelson, author of The New Holy Wars mentioned in The Orange County Register
4/16/2010 “Earth Day is the new Easter” Robert H. Nelson, author of The New Holy Wars Op-Ed in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and eleven other newspapers
4/15/2010 Ivan Eland discusses Obama's nuclear summit in the Orange County Register
4/15/2010 NC Institute for Constitutional Law cites Robert Higgs on the reach of the state
4/13/2010 Robert Higgs in the Charlotte Observer: Nothing remains outside the state
4/12/2010 William Shughart at Hartford Business Journal: Employment and healthcare reform
4/10/2010 Alvaro Vargas Llosa's Wall Street Journal review of Heaney's "Cradle of Gold"
4/6/2010 Ivan Eland comments on leaked military footage at
4/6/2010 Alvaro Vargas Llosa quoted in letter to the Washington Times
4/4/2010 Ivan Eland on Iraq election in the Providence Journal
4/3/2010 Robert H. Nelson, author of The New Holy Wars interviewed on CRN Digital Talk
4/2/2010 Robert Nelson is interviewed on The New Holy Wars by Stefan Molyneux at The Freedomain Radio
4/1/2010 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Multicultural Review
4/1/2010 “Ecological Science as a Creation Story,” by Robert H. Nelson in The Independent Review
4/1/2010 Robert Higgs in the Freeman: Wartime production not so miraculous
3/30/2010 Robert Higgs explains hollow economic recovery in the Washington Times
3/25/2010 Securing Civil Rights by Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Holbrook is reviewed on
3/24/2010 Scott Horton at Antiwar Radio interviews Ivan Eland
3/23/2010 “Halbrook Lauded for Defense of the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Holbrook, author of Securing Civil Rights in Ammoland
3/22/2010 cites William Shughart on Daylight Saving Time
3/19/2010 William Shughart advocates privatizing USPS in the Austin Business Journal
3/18/2010 Art Carden at on immigration reform, personal liberty
3/17/2010 Shughart in Plain Dealer: 2010 census most expensive in history
3/10/2010 Mary Theroux in the San Francisco Examiner: Census facilitates rights violations
3/9/2010 Robert Higgs in Investor's: Private investing needed for recovery
3/8/2010 Emily Schaeffer discusses Toyota recalls for the Mercury News

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless