Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
5/1/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Freeman
4/28/2011 "Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two" video challenges the impact of Keynesian economic policies regarding the Great Recession
4/27/2011 Ivan Eland: “Don’t Expand the Military’s Antiterrorism Role”
4/27/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa: “Cuban-Style ‘Updating’” for the Washington Post Writers’ Group
4/25/2011 Robert Higgs cited at The Pelican Post on Federally Touted Economic Recovery
4/22/2011 Fred Singer at American Thinker on "The Sustainable Development Hoax"
4/22/2011 Anthony Gregory’s What’s to Celebrate on Patriots’ Day? featured on the International PressTV News Desk
4/22/2011 Fred Singer at American Thinker on "The Sustainable Development Hoax"
4/22/2011 “The Sustainable Development Hoax” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
4/22/2011 “The Sustainable Development Hoax” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
4/21/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa: “Bailouts and Populism” for the Washington Post Writers' Group
4/21/2011 Ivan Eland on Across-the-Board Cuts Are the Only Road to Budget Reduction
4/21/2011 Charles Peña: “A good military a terrible thing to waste” in The Sacramento Bee
4/21/2011 “Earth Day: A National Establishment of Religion,” by Robert H. Nelson in The Daily Caller
4/19/2011 Dominick Armentano and his article "Could the U.S. Default on its Debt?" cited in editorial at the Albany Times Union
4/19/2011 Charles Peña: “U.S. military’s footprint too big” in The Orange County Register
4/19/2011 Dominick Armentano and his article "Could the U.S. Default on its Debt?" cited in editorial at the Albany Times Union
4/18/2011 Research Fellows David Beito and Art Carden on Fox Business' Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano tonight, 8pm ET!
4/16/2011 Robert Higgs cited at Press TV on "Endless war and empire: your tax dollars at work"
4/15/2011 David Beito in The Wall Street Journal on "The Forgotten Tax Revolt of the 1930s"
4/15/2011 Art Carden in Forbes recommends the Independent Institute's books, Housing America and Anarchy and the Law
4/15/2011 David Beito in The Wall Street Journal on "The Forgotten Tax Revolt of the 1930s"
4/15/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Environmental History
4/15/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Faith & Economics
4/14/2011 Ivan Eland: “U.S. Out of Iraq. Really.”
4/14/2011 Emily Skarbek in the Philadelphia Inquirer on "Grasping budget's billions and trillions"
4/14/2011 Emily Skarbek in the Philadelphia Inquirer on "Grasping budget's billions and trillions"
4/8/2011 Anthony Gregory on "Putting Prosecutors Above the Law" in the Birmingham News
4/6/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa on “Whither Brazil?” for Washington Post Writers Group
4/6/2011 "Libyan Intervention Fraught With Risks" by Ivan Eland on
4/6/2011 “Civil War and the American Political Economy” by Joseph Stromberg in The Freeman
4/4/2011 Bruce Benson discusses his Independent Institute book Property Rights on the Kosmos podcast

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless