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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Did Labor Unions Bring Us the Weekend, as Kamala Harris Claims?
On Foreign Policy, the Presidential Debate Was Not Very Enlightening
Here’s a Job for Trump’s ‘Musk Commission’: Take a Look at How the Federal Reserve Is Paying Banks Not to Lend
If the journalists won’t ask the question of the Fed, maybe an official bottom-up look at our money-losing central bank is in order.
Why We’re Not Getting All the Medical Care We Need
How to Restore Trust in American Higher Education
Governing boards must regain their control of America’s colleges and universities
Tricks of the Trust-Busting Trade
Why Is the Federal Reserve’s Meeting in November Scheduled a Day Later Than It Would Normally Be Held?
Should the People With All the Power Have All the Guns?
An armed people prevent tyranny.
Please, End the Afghanistan Blame Game
Protectionism’s Bad Economic History
How Venezuela Opposition Leaders Exposed Maduro’s Election Steal
8th Circuit Rules in Favor of Pistol Brace Owners
ATF shoots the side of a barn, draws a target around the bullet holes, and proclaims “bullseye!”
Why Health Policy Problems Are Rarely Solved, Part II
Lies Abound in Higher Education. Now They’ve Lost Our Respect.
Universities were once places that instilled virtue. That’s no longer true.
California Makes Theft a Crime Again
Ending the Leftist Think Monopoly on Campus
Ukraine Is Playing with Fire in Kursk
Solutions to the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Disaster
How to Fix, Not Cut, the Social Security Benefits Tax
The Case for Diversity in American Higher Education
Americans Are Fleeing Blue States in Droves
Scarcity by Decree
Intriguing Possibility Emerges for Federal Reserve’s Annual Retreat Next Week—It’s Not Totally Confident of Its Own Model
Democrats Hold No Monopoly on Dalliance
Is Walz Worse than Newsom?

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