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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Pathway for an Imperial Presidency
Newsom Believes the Globe Is Getting Hotter Even as California Freezes
Pro-abortion governor heads to the Vatican for a ‘climate resilience’ conference.
Why Are Economists MIA on Today’s Biggest Fiscal Catastrophes?
Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track
A Missed Off-Ramp for U.S. Venezuela Policy
American sanctions keep backfiring, so why do we keep using them?
Arizona Should Not Look to California for Housing Solutions
Biden FCC Threatens Free Speech by Restoring Internet Regulations
Regulations for net “neutrality” stifle choice and innovation.
Renters Are the Biggest Losers in Kentucky’s New Registration Law
Class War in California
Punishing students because their parents are too successful is unfair and unwise.
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Pursues Predatory Actions
The department should have never existed in the first place.
California Loses Nearly 10,000 Fast-Food Jobs After $20 Minimum Wage Signed Last Fall
Will Caitlin Clark Be Grossly Underpaid?
Israel Can Still Drag the US into War with Iran
The tit-for-tat has ended for now, but Benjamin Netanyahu has many incentives to continue goading Tehran
ATF Redefines ‘Engaged in the Business’
Agency pushes the envelope to require gun dealer licenses beyond the statute.
Supreme Court Hands the ‘Pillage’ People a Loss
The High Court takes umbrage at governments’ excessive real estate fees.
The Age of the Lazy American
High taxes, a focus on identity, and an aging population amount to a War on Work.
The FTC Again Fails to Protect Consumers
The Latest Plan to Exacerbate California’s Housing Crisis
Resolving Border Crisis Requires Increasing Legal Migration
Why Can’t San Francisco Build Housing? Lessons from the 1906 Fire
K-12 Parents Need Same Choices as College Athletes
Like college scholarships, education dollars should flow to students’ parents, not government bureaucracies.
California Has Lost 410,000 Jobs. With a New Bill, More Could Be on the Way Out.
DEI Cronyism and Woke Grifters
How odd it is that America is wasting billions of dollars hiring DEI czars and electing woke politicians, who so often accuse others of a multitude of sins, largely as a way of enriching themselves.
Russian Self-Destruction Helps America
Putin has gone from a flirtation with free-market capitalism to increasingly authoritarian kleptomania.
The Middleman Is a Public Servant

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