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en Espanol Commentary Articles

A lesson in basic economics for the very confused.
Chicago, San Francisco Should Cut Real Estate Transfer Taxes
Not a Very Virtuous Virtue Signal
In Los Angeles, “Squatters Have Rights, Too”
Remembering John Taylor of Caroline
Prophet of Encroaching Tyranny
Agency ‘Guidance,’ Interpretive Regulations, and Chevron
State and federal agencies express views that are thinly-veiled diktats.
The California Exodus Gets a Gag Order
According to the Los Angeles Times, people should leave “without verbally trashing the place.”
Two Cheers for the Bipartisan Tax Deal
Housing Alone Cannot Solve Homelessness
The Truth about Tariffs
Inclusionary Zoning Would Undermine Sacramento’s Recent Housing Reforms
The Decline in American Universities, 2011-2024
It’s Time to Tax the Universities
Elite schools aren’t benefiting society. They shouldn’t get tax breaks.
Javier Milei’s Free Market Revolution
Golden State Knocks Greed out of the Park as State Politicians Target Shohei Ohtani
No Policy Consequences Are ‘Unintended’
Travis Kelce, COVID ‘Variants,’ and the CDC Vaccine Machine
The Hysterical Style in American Politics
To enact its unpopular agendas, the progressive movement must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies—any crisis it can.
What Netanyahu Can Learn from the War on Terror
The War on Terror exemplified how a state’s overreaction to an attack can cause more harm than good. Is Israel on the same path?
Health Insurance Without Health Care
Inflation Was Always a Monetary Phenomenon, Never Transitory
The Fed must realize that monetary policy is not about interest rates, but about the rate of growth in the money supply.
Claudine Gay: Critical Plagiarism Theory
Fauci, Friends, and Fallout
The time has come to hold Fauci and friends fully accountable for their actions.
A Message from Menem to Milei: Dollarize Argentina Now
All the talk and scribbling about the infeasibility of dollarization in Argentina is simply wrong.
James Gwartney Made Economics Accessible
He helped popularize free-market ideas and even brought them to post-Soviet Russia.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless