The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Mon. March 12, 2018, 2:44pm PT

Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on WGN radio to discuss the latest in proposed talks between the US and North Korea and the goal of denuclearizing North Korea. Eland talks about the different scenarios for talks including the history of similar negotiations in other countries. He also discusses the role of China as an ally of North Korea and the role of US support and defense of South Korea.

Posted: Fri. March 9, 2018, 1:24pm PT

President Trump says he will meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to discuss denuclearization of North Korea. Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Eleven Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government talks about the history of negotiations with North Korea and what the proposed meeting might mean for stabilization of the Korean peninsula and future relations with the U.S.

Posted: Wed. March 7, 2018, 10:32am PT

MSNBC reporter Richard Engel interviews North Korean refugee Yeonmi Park. Yeonmi Park was honored with the Alexis de Tocqueville Award by the Independent Institute on September 22, 2017.

Posted: Wed. February 28, 2018, 6:55pm PT

Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society appears on the Cato Institute's Free Thoughts Podcast. Whaples discusses Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si' in which the Pope calls for a dialogue on topics such as the environment, poverty and charity. Hosts Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell discuss the background of the Pope and how the leader of the Catholic church is seeking to earnestly solve the world's social problems. Whaples, an economic professor, discusses how such things as private property rights can help protect the environmental, and how capitalism can fight poverty and lift up the poor.

Posted: Thu. February 22, 2018, 4:15pm PT

Pope Francis and the Caring Society is a thoughtful and in-depth exploration of the Pope’s earnest call for a dialogue on building a truly compassionate society. Francis’s fervent support for uplifting the poor and protecting the environment has inspired far-reaching discussions worldwide: What is the most effective way to fight poverty? And what value does a religious perspective offer in addressing moral, political, and economic problems?

Posted: Wed. February 21, 2018, 9:45am PT

Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society is interviewed by Bruce McGregor and Jennifer Brown on Spirit Mornings radio. Whaples discusses the how private charity and private property rights can solve some of the problems of poverty and environmental degradation Pope Francis sees in the world.

Posted: Tue. February 20, 2018, 4:05pm PT

Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France appeared in a Fox News Channel report on the difference between state and federal gun purchase laws. Different states make their own restrictions, but how successful are they in stopping criminals?

Posted: Thu. February 15, 2018, 4:51pm PT

Research Fellow, Vicki E. Alger explains what is school choice, what are the benefits for parents and children. This interview was organized by Independent Women's Forum.

Vicki E. Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and author of the Independent book, Failure: The Federal "Misedukation" of America’s Children. She holds Senior Fellowships at the Fraser Institute, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, and the Independent Women’s Forum in Washington, D.C.

National School Choice Week is a series of nationwide events held every January to raise public awareness of the different K-12 education options available for children and families.