Issue: Contemporary Legislative Activity

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 121 - 130 of 424 Results.

How Inflation Fuels Government Growth
High interest rates hit the private sector hard while leaving Washington free to spend more money.
What Kind of Judicial Restraint Are We Talking About?
Can the Left and Right Agree on Health Reform?
The New (Old) Threat of ‘Runaway Bureaucracy’
Cut Pork from the Farm Bill
University Innovation in the Buckeye State?
State Sen. Cirino has been the driving force behind initiatives that might transform the university system in Ohio.
The GOP’s Wilsonian Mexico Policy
Authorizing military force in Mexico will not end the way they think.
A Republican Alternative to Medicare for All
Six, and Sometimes One, Supreme Court Justices Can Run the Whole Country
Texas Was Right to Reject Medicaid Expansion
We need to improve care for those already covered who need it.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless