The Lighthouse®
In March, Chicago voters will decide whether to increase the citys real estate title transfer-tax, part of a referendum pushed by Mayor Brandon Johnson. Chicago should consider the painful experience of San Francisco, now working to undo past mistakes on the same issue. But will Chicago listen?
Adam Summers
Single-use plastic bag bans have been all the rage for the past 20 years, butas is often the case with environmental regulationproponents have vastly overstated the benefits of these bans and understated the costs. And those costs are very highboth to human health and the environment. Bring back those plastic bags!
Lee E. Ohanian (California on Your Mind)
Voters are not likely to support incumbent George Gascón, LA district attorney, in next months primary. And for lots of good reasons, including a 11.7 percent increase in violent crime since 2019 and a 42 percent rise in personal crimes and theft since 2021. Thanks to squatters occupying nearby vacant mansions, even those in Beverly Hills dislike him. He should start burnishing his resume....
John C. Goodman (Forbes)
Two cheers for a rare bipartisan agreement in Congress that would create a larger child tax-credit for parents (Democrats like this bit) and extend key 2017 Trump business-tax breaks (Republicans like this bit). How do we get to three cheers? Less means-tested welfare spending!
The Lighthouse® is the weekly email newsletter of the Independent Institute.
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Volume 27, Issue 6: February 7, 2024
Lawrence J. McQuillan (Bloomberg Tax Insights & Commentary)

The Puzzle of Local Double Taxation
Why Do Private Community Associations Exist?
Why Do Private Community Associations Exist?
The Independent Review, Winter 2008/09
Adam Summers

Lee E. Ohanian (California on Your Mind)

John C. Goodman (Forbes)

Readings on Poverty and the Welfare State
By Williamson M. Evers