The Lighthouse®
The Marthas Vineyard experience: a unique opportunity for the nation to assess modern bicoastal progressivismas utterly fraudulent. An apartheid-living managerial class virtue-signals that open borders are an unmitigated blessing, just as long as the illegal migrants dont make it to elite walled or moated enclaves.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Spectator)
The jury is still out. Yes, two-thirds of Chiles voters recently rejected the new constitution proposed by a convention made up mostly of loonies. But that wont be enough. The region will have to suffer a lot more before the looming crisis forces open opportunities for real liberty and prosperity.
Ivan Eland (Real Clear Policy)
Take-away #1 from Federal Judge Aileen Cannons decision to appoint a special master in the Mar-a-Lago case? The imperial presidency now enjoys protections against court-ordered search warrants that ordinary citizens could only dream of. How did we get here?
John C. Goodman (Forbes)
Given the freedom to do so, private health insurance can meet patient needs far more effectively than government health plans. And, as Medicare Advantage (a Republican innovation) shows, even a little freedom helpsa lot.
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Volume 25, Issue 39: September 27, 2022
Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Spectator)

Ivan Eland (Real Clear Policy)

John C. Goodman (Forbes)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- How Politics in San Francisco Deepens the Citys Housing Crisis, by Lawrence J. McQuillan
- Interest Rates and the First Rule of Holes, by Craig Eyermann
- State Vehicle Inspections, by Caleb S. Fuller
- Bidens Cancer Moonshot Boosts Bureaucracy, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
Catalyst: New Articles
- The Government is Causing a Credit Card Debt Crisis, by Brad Polumbo
- Is Tenure Really Dying?, by Peter Jacobsen
- President Bidens Student Loan Cancellation Scheme, by Craig Eyermann
- Price Controls Have Failed for 4,000 Years, by Jon Miltimore