The Lighthouse®
Ukraine, like Spain 1936, has awoken us from the false sense of security weve enjoyed since the end of the Cold War. Soldiers in war sometimes do shoot civilians en masse or flatten their apartment buildingswhether in 1936 or in 2022. Civilization is a fragile thing, its veneer easily broken, despite changes in technology, social systems, and physical landscapes. So what horrors will follow in Ukraines wake?
Lawrence A. Kudlow (New York Sun)
There they go againTeam Biden is inflicting another round of massive regulatory increases that will cost millions of blue-collar jobs, prevent any new energy pipelines and probably new utilities from being built, and virtually stop the construction of new or extended bridges, highways, and tunnels. Heres the good news. The cavalry is coming.
K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)
Remdesivir shows no clinical efficiency against Covid but, at approximately $3,000 per treatment, remdesivir is much more expensive than either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, treatments that Fauci opposes. It is becoming clearer by the day that the money trail is the key to our uncovering in the United States the mishandling of Covid-19.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Spectator)
Macron just secured a second consecutive term as French president, a first. But the fact that nearly half the electorate was willing to opt for a nationalist-populist candidate almost a quarter into the 21st century is a momentous and sobering commentary on the present state of liberal democracy and globalization in Europe. Whither now the Old World?
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Volume 25, Issue 17: April 27, 2022
Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)
Lawrence A. Kudlow (New York Sun)

K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)

Alvaro Vargas Llosa (American Spectator)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Some Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Was Inside Job, by Craig Eyermann
- The CDC and Unmasking White Coat Supremacy, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Vaccines and Operation Warp Speed, by Raymond J. March
- Are EUAs Deregulation or Regulatory Capture?, by Raymond J. March
- International Disorder: Ukraine Edition, by Talita Panikashvili
Catalyst: New Articles
- Why the Feds Are Clinging to Their Mask Mandate, by Dan Sanchez
- Should Public Transit Be Free?, by Scott Beyer