Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
4/10/2024 “Tilting at Antitrust Windmills: Department of Justice Sues Apple” Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II Op-Ed in The American Spectator
4/10/2024 “The Middleman Is a Public Servant” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
4/9/2024 “How would tax increases impact Americans?” Senior Fellow Judy Shelton appears on Fox Business Network
4/9/2024 “FDR’s Ideological Motivations” Senior Fellow David Beito, author of The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights interviewed on the Hayek Program Podcast
4/8/2024 “Red light game identifies ineffective criminal deterrence” Research Associate Jonathan Hofer research article in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology
4/8/2024 Is Social Justice Just? reviewed in Cato Institute’s Regulation
4/8/2024 The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights by Senior Fellow David Beito is reviewed in Cato Institute’s Regulation
4/7/2024 “Is There A Trump Health Care Plan?” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
4/7/2024 “To Have and Withhold: The IRS Gets Your Money Before You Do” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
4/6/2024 “Malthus Reversed: The Birth Dearth and Our Future” Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in The American Spectator
4/6/2024 “World War II Didn’t End The Great Depression” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Zero Hedge
4/4/2024 “20th Century Ideology, Modern Mixed Economies” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of New Way to Care Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
4/4/2024 “A Double Shot of Second Amendment Oral Arguments” Senior Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason
4/3/2024 “Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask” Dr. Scott Atlas, Independent Institute Senior Advisor and host of the podcast The Independent with Scott Atlas interviewed on Prager University
4/3/2024 “Quality Boosts in Sports Collectibles” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
4/3/2024 “‘Misinformation’ Is the Censors’ Excuse” Research Fellow Daniel B. Klein, author of the working paper “Misinformation Is a Word We Use to Shut You Up” Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
4/3/2024 “Uncivic Education” Research Fellow Benjamin Ginsberg, author of The New American Anti-Semitism Op-Ed in The Epoch Times
4/3/2024 “The low-fee private school that works” Senior Fellow James Tooley, author of Really Good Schools Op-Ed in Independent School Management (UK)
4/3/2024 “Slavery Revisited: Time on the Cross at 50” Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in Minding the Campus
4/1/2024 “Criticizing the Israeli Government’s Incompetence Is Not Antisemitic” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The American Conservative
4/1/2024 “Is Anti-Semitism Finding A New Home?” Research Fellow Benjamin Ginsberg, author of The New American Anti-Semitism interviewed on the Brian Nichols Show
3/30/2024 “A Red Flag for Kamala Harris” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
3/29/2024 “Public health agencies must be reined in before next pandemic” Senior Fellow Steve Hanke and Senior Advisor Scott Atlas cited in the Washington Examiner
3/29/2024 “DeSantis Homeless Policy Is the Opposite of California’s...and That’s Good” Research Fellow Christopher Calton Op-Ed in the Orlando Sentinel
3/28/2024 “Trump’s Tariff Talk Proves Bad Economics Can Be Good Politics” Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets
3/28/2024 “Industrial Policy’s Short-Run Booms Risk Long-Term Failures” Research Fellow Ryan Yonk and Jacob Bruggeman Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
3/27/2024 “How Should Homelessness Be Addressed?” Independent Institute Chairman and CEO Mary L. G. Theroux interviewed on Future of Freedom podcast (starting at 17:40)
3/27/2024 “Reflections on the COVID panic: Unintended consequences of viral scare proved worse than disease” Independent Institute Senior Advisor Scott Atlas and Senior Fellow Steve Hanke cited in The Washington Times
3/26/2024 “Saudi Arabia Goes for Transformative Hat Trick” Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Washington Times
3/26/2024 “Scott Atlas Talks with Steven Koonin” The Independent with Scott Atlas podcast is cited on Cafe Hayek
3/25/2024 “Facts about Taxes and the Wealthiest Americans” Senior Fellow Phillip W. Magness interviewed on WWTC radio (MN)
3/24/2024 “Strikes Against the Houthis Need Congressional Approval” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The National Interest

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless