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Colleges and the Dumbing Down of America Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Let Colleges Fail Op-Ed in Minding the Campus
Californias Ethnic Studies Controversy: Launch of a Curricular Alternative Senior Fellow Williamson Evers discusses Independent Institutes Comparative Cultures Ethnic Studies Curriculum at the Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California.
The Future of the Fed Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed on Fox Business Networks The Claman Countdown
How Medicare Is Causing Patients to Overpay for Prescription Drugs Lawrence J. Wedekind and Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Health Affairs
In the Seventh Circuit, Procedural Red Herrings Threaten the Second Amendment Senior Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms Op-Ed in Reason
Why Pollsters Misjudged the 2024 Election Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II cited in Cafe Hayek
Dinner at Noon, A Sunrise at 8 p.m. This Is Why Its Time to Abolish Time Zones Senior Fellow Steve Hanke and Caleb Hofmann Op-Ed in the Toronto Star
Election Aftermath in California Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The American Spectator
Medicare Advantage Is Saving Taxpayers Money Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
Department of Government Efficiency gearing up to slash spending Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed on Fox Business News Cavuto Coast to Coast
Sound Money: A Moral and Economic Imperative Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed on The Morgan Report
Senior Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Let Colleges Fail to speak at Lyceum Luncheon in Athens, Ohio. Thursday, November 21st at noon ET
Praise for pluralism Senior Fellow Williamson Evers cited in Freedom Conservatism
Gold-Backed or Bust: Judy Sheltons Plan to Tame the Fed and Restore the Dollar Good as Gold by Senior Fellow Judy Shelton is reviewed in The Daily Economy
Trumping Inflation? Research Fellow Alexander Salter Op-Ed in National Review
Did Karl Marx party in 1891? The effect of SPDs Erfurt program on Karl Marxs citations Senior Fellow Phillip W. Magness research article in Southern Economic Association (journal subscription required)
Can Economic Efficiency Help Society Be Good? Research Fellow Alexander Salter Op-Ed in Institute for Faith, Work & Economics
Is It Time to End the Fed? Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold appears on CNBCs Squawk Box
This is the fundamental problem with the Fed Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed at the Yahoo! Finance Invest event
How Gov. Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown disenfranchised California voters Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and The San Diego Union-Tribune
Identity politics lost: Its time for the great rethink in education Independent Institutes Comparative Cultures Ethnic Studies Curriculum cited on
Independent Institute Chairman and CEO Mary Theroux receives honorary doctorate from Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala
Spare Us, Senator Murphy Senior Fellow Phillip Magness quoted in National Review (subscription required)
Trump plans ambitious tax agendawith insiders revealing how it could put more money in Americans pockets Senior Fellow Phillip W. Magness quoted in The New York Post
Federal Reserve is being a little too cute right now Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed on Mornings with Maria on the Fox Business Network
President-Elect Donald Trumps Key Economic Appointments Senior Fellow Judy Shelton, author of Good as Gold interviewed on BBC World Business Report radio
Why Harris Lost Senior Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in Business Insider
The Lahaina Wildfire Holds Lessons for California and Other Western States Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, coauthor of California Wildfires: Key Recommendations to Prevent Future Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and affiliated Southern California News Group newspapers
Will We Witness a Fed Chair Who Believes in Gold? Good as Gold by Senior Fellow Judy Shelton is reviewed by the Libertarian Institute
Why lower-income workers are trending Republican Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner
Conceived in Liberty or Conceived in Sin? Exploitation and Modern Prosperity Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in The Library of Economics and Liberty (EconLib)
5 Common Myths of Economic History Senior Fellow Phillip W. Magness to speak at Susquehanna University (PA) November 7, 2024 7pm EST