Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
11/29/2010 Edward J. Lopez in The Freeman: "Fashion Design and Copyright"
11/29/2010 “The Cancun Climate Capers” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
11/26/2010 Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Are We in for Another Round of Stagflation?
11/25/2010 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Review of Faith & International Affairs
11/24/2010 Stephen Halbrook cited in Outdoor Life: Heller II: D.C. Ignores U.S. Constitution
11/22/2010 CTV News Channel: Ivan Eland on the invasive and ineffective new TSA screenings
11/19/2010 "Lets Turn Off Daylight Savings Time," by William F. Shughart II in Bloomberg BusinessWeek
11/19/2010 Emily Skarbek, Director of interviewed by Gary Ramsey on Mad in the Middle: Cutting the Deficit-Talk or Action?
11/15/2010 NRA News: Stephen Halbrook on DC vs. Heller II
11/15/2010 Art Carden in Forbes: Full Frontal Nudity Doesn’t Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA
11/14/2010 “The Global Warming Court Battle” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in The Washington Times
11/12/2010 How EPA could destroy 7.3 million jobs. By William F. Shughart II in the Washington Examiner
11/10/2010 Fed's 'easing' is really just harmful protectionism. By Alvaro Vargas Llosa in
11/10/2010 Shovel-ready stimulus sightings. By Robert Higgs in the online Lexington Herald-Leader
11/7/2010 “Climate Alarmism at The New York Times” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
11/4/2010 Gridlock and Regime Uncertainty by Steven Horwitz. Robert Higgs cited in the Freeman: Ideas on Liberty
11/3/2010 They do things differently in America: grassroots curbs government. By Alvaro Vargas Llosa in the Deseret News
11/2/2010 Cal Thomas in The Washington Examiner uses to underscore the need for fiscal and personal responsibility.
11/1/2010 Federal Government Spending: A Live Online Discussion with Professor Emily Skarbek at The Freeman’s Idea Room
11/1/2010 Alert!: Bill Maher interviews former President Jimmy Carter on HBO, ranking his presidency using Ivan Eland's book, Recarving Rushmore.
11/1/2010 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Calvin Theological Journal
11/1/2010 Article “The Intellectual Force behind Web 2.0,” by Kyle Huwa cites The Diversity Myth (The Stanford Review)
10/26/2010 America’s Depression within a Depression, 1937–39. By Robert Higgs in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty
10/25/2010 How many more trillion$ for defense? Winslow Wheeler in
10/21/2010 Nancy Pelosi As Joe Frazier, John Boehner As George Foreman Robert Higg's "Regime Uncertainty" principle cited in by Bernie McSherry
10/14/2010 Nobel a just reward for a life's toil: Latin America can learn from my father by Alvaro Vargas Llosa in The Australian
10/14/2010 “Interview with Senior Fellow Bruce Benson on his book, Property Rights” (Kosmos Podcast)
10/13/2010 A Nobel Laureate in the Family by Alvaro Vargas Llosa in Real Clear Politics
10/13/2010 New Survey Confirms that Regime Uncertainty Is Spooking Investors by Robert Higgs at Breitbart's
10/11/2010 Will Militarization Of First Amendment Undermine The Republic? By Ivan Eland in Eurasia Review
10/9/2010 Rethinking toll roads idea. By Gabriel Roth in the Fort Myers News Press
10/7/2010 Congratulations to Mario Vargas Llosa for Winning the Nobel Prize in Literature

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