Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
5/16/2016 “California Lawmaker’s Soda Tax Bill Goes ‘Pop’” Research Fellow Craig Eyermann quoted on
5/16/2016 “Is Hillary Clinton A Threat to Our Health?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
5/16/2016 “The U.S. Military Needs to Defend the Country, Not Undermine American Security” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in the Huffington Post
5/15/2016 “Don’t Blame Immigrants for Driving Down Wages” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Newsweek Magazine
5/14/2016 “Trump and Sanders: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice Op-Ed in TownHall Magazine
5/13/2016 “The Curious Rise of the Push for $15 Wage” Research Fellow Scott Sumner, author of The Midas Paradox Op-Ed in the Orange County Register
5/12/2016 “Obama’s Apology Tour, Hiroshima Trip, and Ben Rhodes Iran Deal” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Newsmax TV
5/12/2016 “Philadelphia’s Proposed Soda Tax is Government Manipulation” Sr. Fellow William F. Shughart II and Josh T. Smith Op-Ed in the Daily Caller
5/12/2016 “Immigration and Welfare” Research Fellow Abigail Hall Blanco appears on Newsmax TV
5/12/2016 “California’s High-Speed Rail Authority Wins Dishonor of the California Golden Fleece Award” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan and Policy Researcher Hayeon Carol Park cited in California Political Review
5/12/2016 Independent Institute’s California Golden Fleece Award cited on
5/11/2016 “Gun Control in Nazi Germany” Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook reviewed in The Jackson Press
5/11/2016 “Scott Sumner: The Story Behind The Midas Paradox” Research Fellow Scott Sumner, author of The Midas Paradox video featured on
5/11/2016 “ISIS and Bombings in Iraq” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Partitioning for Peace appears on CTV News
5/10/2016 “Government Gives Uber an Unfair Shake” Research Fellow Abigail Hall Blanco Op-Ed in Forbes
5/9/2016 “The World Through Trump’s Eyes” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in the Huffington Post
5/9/2016 “Eight Health Reforms the GOP Should Avoid” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
5/9/2016 “Did You Know that John Muir Wanted to Force Indians Out of the Yosemite Valley?” Research Fellow Ryan Yonk, author of Nature Unbound Op-Ed in History News Network
5/9/2016 “Teachers Unions, Allies Rally Against Charter School Expansion in Los Angeles” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure cited in
5/9/2016 “Taxpayers Increasingly Victimized in Obamacare Exchanges” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in The Hill
5/8/2016 “What One Economist (Friedrich Hayek) Knew” Research Fellow Robert P. Murphy, author of Choice Op-Ed in American Thinker
5/7/2016 “Democracy’s Death Spiral” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice Op-Ed in
5/7/2016 “California Program offers Cash to Reduce Gun Crimes” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux interviewed on PBS Newshour
5/6/2016 “California Education Scholars Call for End to Common Core”​ Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure, quoted on
5/5/2016 “There’s Too Much Red Tape (But Only a Little)” Sr. Fellow Alex Tabarrok cited in Bloomberg News
5/4/2016 “Former TSA Director Weighs in on Privatizing Airport Security” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell interviewed on KPCC Radio
5/2/2016 “Can the Government Make Doctors Better Doctors?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
5/2/2016 “Transparency and Independence: Think Tanks Rather than Lobbying Tanks” Independent Institute mentioned in Forbes
5/2/2016 “California’s Criminal Cronyism: Why the Governator Reduced A Violent Felon’s Sentence” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Daily Caller
5/1/2016 “The Only Solution to TSA’s Problems: Get Rid of It” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in the New York Post
4/30/2016 “A New Study Supports The Midas Paradox” Research Fellow Scott Sumner, author of The Midas Paradox in EconLog
4/30/2016 “Which Party is Better for the Economy?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice Op-Ed in

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless