Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
6/3/2016 “The Unicorn Economy and the Disturbing Plight of the Middle Class” Independent Institute Board of Advisors member George Gilder Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle
6/3/2016 “The Dark Side of Brown” Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr., author of Reclaiming the American Revolution Op-Ed in American Thinker
6/3/2016 “Who’s Sorry Now? No Presidential Apology for Debt, Taxes, Domestic Debacles” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in the Daily Caller
6/1/2016 “China’s Interest in North Korea” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Radio Sputnik
6/1/2016 “Are We Better Off After 30 Years with the Department of Education?” Research Fellow Vicki E. Alger, author of Failure on Independent Women’s Forum podcast
5/31/2016 “An Obamacare Alternative” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice appears on the Bill Martinez Radio Show
5/31/2016 “The Midas Paradox: Financial Markets, Government Policy Shocks, and the Great Depression” The Midas Paradox by Research Fellow Scott Sumner is reviewed in Business Economics Journal
5/31/2016 “The Midas Paradox: Financial Markets, Government Policy Shocks, and the Great Depression” The Midas Paradox by Research Fellow Scott Sumner is reviewed in the Journal of Economics and Political Economy
5/30/2016 “Mistrusting Yet Embracing Big Government: The Rise of ‘Failurism’” Research Fellow James L. Payne Op-Ed in the Daily Caller
5/30/2016 “Memorial Day Should Make Us Rethink Platitudes About the U.S. Military” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Huffington Post
5/30/2016 “Sick of Airport Delays? Disband TSA” Research Fellow Abigail Hall Blanco Op-Ed in the The Detroit News
5/28/2016 “A Possible Republican Truce on Obamacare” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice cited in The Atlantic
5/27/2016 “The Shocking Truth About Stun Guns” Research Fellow Abigail Hall Blanco Op-Ed in the Tulsa World
5/27/2016 “Billionaire’s Involvement in Hogan Case Raises US Concerns over Freedom of the Press” Peter Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited on The Drum
5/27/2016 “5 Things to Know About PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel” Peter Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited on
5/27/2016 “Universal Health Insurance Tax Credit Enters GOP Mix of Obamacare Alternatives” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice cited on
5/25/2016 “Examining Obamacare Repeal & Replace Options” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice mentioned on podcast
5/25/2016 “What if Environmental Laws Make Things Worse?” Nature Unbound by Sr. Fellow Randy Simmons, Research Fellow Ryan Yonk and Kenneth Sim reviewed on Illinois Review
5/24/2016 “New Bill to Replace Obamacare Draws from Independent Institute Book” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice cited on and others through PR Newswire
5/23/2016 “Current Relations with Vietnam a Good Starting Point For Mideast” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz
5/23/2016 “Trump’s Approach to North Korea Bucks Foreign Policy Elite” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of The Empire Has No Clothes Op-Ed in The Hill
5/23/2016 “Trajectory of U.S. Policy in Vietnam Offers a Roadmap to a Possible Future in the Mideast” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in the Huffington Post
5/23/2016 “Do Republicans Have A Death Wish On Healthcare?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
5/23/2016 “GOP Health Plan Promises to Meet Health Care Goals by Assigning A Smaller Role to Government” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice cited in Bloomberg News
5/23/2016 “Lifting the Arms Embargo on Vietnam” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on the Larry Conners USA radio show
5/19/2016 “GOP Lawmakers unveil Obamacare Replacement Bill” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice cited in The Hill
5/19/2016 “Federal Authorities Flunk in Every Category but Promises” Research Fellow Vicki E. Alger, author of Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children Op-Ed in Tribune Syndicated Newspapers
5/18/2016 “What FDR Knew About Welfare” Research Fellow James L. Payne Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
5/18/2016 “As Republicans Look for an Obamacare Replacement, Two GOP Lawmakers Make Their Own Bid” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice quoted in the Los Angeles Times
5/17/2016 “The Only Solution to TSA’s Problems: Get Rid of It” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on “The Chad Benson Radio Show”
5/17/2016 “Abolish the TSA” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on the Larry Conners USA radio show on KTRS radio St. Louis
5/17/2016 “Republicans Would Fight Bill Clinton if Hillary Names Him Economic Overlord” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland quoted in Sputnik News

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