The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. December 18, 2013

Senior Research Fellow Robert Higgs joins radio host Tom Woods for a wide-ranging discussion including the U.S. economy and World War II. Check out some of Robert Higgs’ books mentioned on the program.

Posted: Wed. December 11, 2013

Independent Institute Founder and President, David J. Theroux discusses libertarianism and gives liberty-based perspectives on current events with host Bob Weeks on WichitaLiberty.TV.

Posted: Tue. December 10, 2013

Gun Control in the Third Reich author and Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook appeared on the Larry Elder radio show to discuss his new book. Halbrook talks about the events leading up to Kristallnacht in Germany, where Jews and other "Enemies of the State" had their firearms confiscated by the Nazi party. The Nazis knew exactly who had weapons, because the former government of the Weimar Republic required guns to be registered.

Posted: Fri. December 6, 2013

Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich, appeared on The Peter Boyles radio show on KNUS in Colorado. Halbrook talks about what led to the confiscation of citizens’ guns in Germany during World War II. In particular, the author outlines how the Nazis used the laws of the previous government (the Weimar Republic) which may have been well intentioned, but turned out to be disastrous for Jews in Germany and other “Enemies of the State” who were simply obeying the law by registering their weapons.

Posted: Wed. December 4, 2013

David Theroux and panel members Andrew Dósa and Roy Carlisle speak on C. S. Lewis’ perspectives at the "To Everyone an Answer: 10th Annual EPS Apologetics Conference" at Biola University. David is President of the C. S. Lewis Society of California.

Posted: Tue. December 3, 2013

Research Fellow George Ayittey speaks of 2008 Gala for Liberty Award Recipient Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Posted: Tue. December 3, 2013

Ghanaian economist and Research Fellow, George Ayittey argues that Africa is poor because it is not free—due to dictatorships. He spoke with host Justin Rowlatt and an audience at Paris Dauphine University in Paris.

Posted: Mon. December 2, 2013

International political commentator and Independent Institute Fellow, Álvaro Vargas Llosa, discussed his book Global Crossings at the Dole Institute of Politics.