Showing 1009 - 1016 of 1,497 Results | |
Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on Vancouvers CKNW radio to discuss the one year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. Powell talks with host Mike Eckfordabout conditions in clothing factories in Bangladesh and markets for labor and the products manufactured there.
Sr. Fellow Bruce Benson, author of The Enterprise of Law appeared on the Tom Woods radio show to speak about the increasing frequency of private police in areas of our society. In an upcoming article in The Independent Review, Benson will update some ideas about private, market-based justice processes and less government police abuse.
Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell discusses sweatshops and the global economy on the Fox Business Network "The Independents."
Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appeared on CCTV discussing the latest on the rapidly changing crisis in Ukraine as pro-Russian troops continue to take over buildings in Eastern Ukraine.
Sr. Fellow Ivan appears on CCTV to discuss the latest on the crisis in Ukraine, as pro-Russian forces take over police stations and other buildings in Eastern Ukraine.
Laurence Harwood, OBE, godson of C.S. Lewis, reflects on his and others relationships with Lewis during his youth. He shares delightful letters and jolly recollections from his book C.S. Lewis, My Godfather: Letters, Photos, and Recollections. Laurence spoke at an evening event sponsored by the C. S. Lewis Society of California.
Research Fellow Anthony Gregory, author of "The Power of Habeas Corpus in America," discusses how politicians love to declare war on social and economic issues, and how these "wars" only manage to increase government power while reducing liberty.
Ron Paul, the former 12-term Congressman and Presidential candidate, takes a candid look at Americas increasingly dysfunctional political system. Drawing on his 24 years in Congress, he highlights the need to rein in unchecked government power. The author of numerous #1 New York Times bestselling books, Dr. Paul is a leading advocate for individual liberty, privacy, limited constitutional government, low taxes and spending, free markets, restrained foreign policy, and sound money.