Issue: Economists

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 191 - 200 of 648 Results.

Inflation Woes Cry for Reagan-Volcker, but We’re Stuck With Biden-Burns
It’s noteworthy that Jay Powell said he wanted to be like Paul Volcker. Sorry, Jay, you’re really more like Arthur Burns, who pumped up the money supply and destroyed the dollar in the ’70s.
Putin’s Inflation? Biden Follows A Good Move with More Bad Numbers
Biden is making the case that the 8 percent inflation problem and the $110 oil problem and the $4.33 gasoline problem are all caused by Putin.
The Fed Needs to Put Its Eye on the Money Supply
Slowing its growth without triggering a recession is a tricky proposition. Is the central bank up for it?
The Economic Way of Seeing
Forties Something
As the clocks strike 13, more wisdom from a war-torn decade.
President Biden’s Ham-Handed Misuse of Antitrust Law
Republican Priority: Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent
House candidates should pledge not to let the 2017 rate reductions expire.
An Economic Evaluation of Covid Lockdowns
The costs of prevention efforts have outweighed those from the direct effects of the virus itself.
Free Markets, Not Slave Markets
Three Principles for Monetary Institutions: Review of Money and the Rule of Law

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless