Issue: Property Rights, Land Use, and Zoning

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 373 Results.

The Common Law of Antitrust
When Gavin Met Donnie: Debate Continues over Disastrous California Wildfire
California is still shrink-wrapped in climate change superstition.
Action Could Have Prevented the Deadly Blaze in Los Angeles
But the lessons of the past seem lost on California politicians and bureaucrats.
Supreme Court Relists Two Second Amendment Cases
Woke DEI + Green Nihilism = Dresden in California
California’s DEI “humanism” and Green New Deal environmentalism ensured the cruelest imaginable treatment of thousands of people and unrivaled destruction of the natural ecosystem.
What Today’s Economics Students Aren’t Learning about Economics
Trump Should Embrace the National Space Council (Again)
Some of President Trump’s greatest successes came from effectively wielding bureaucracy, not dismantling it.
The Lahaina Wildfire Holds Lessons for California and Other Western States
Conceived in Liberty or Conceived in Sin? Exploitation and Modern Prosperity
Rent Control Is Not a Solution—It’s a Recipe for Exacerbating the Problem

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless