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A Tale of Two Universities in Flyover Country and the Potential Downfall of Coastal Elite Schools
• Feb 10
Recommended Readings on Free Trade Versus Protectionism
Everything You Need to Know About Open Markets, Comparative Advantage, and Globalization
Economists are virtually unanimous that free trade benefits consumers and the overall economy. This annotated reading list provides proponents of free trade the intellectual sustenance to back up their arguments.
New Book: Race & Liberty in America: The Essential Reader
Volume Extolls Classical Liberal Tradition of Anti-Racist Champions
The new, updated version of Race & Liberty: The Essential Reader includes fresh insights from contributors including Thomas Sowell, Coleman Hughes, Wilfred Reilly, and others who explore the values of colorblindness, individual freedom, and constitutional equal protection for individuals, regardless of race.
2025 Independent Review Student Essay Contest
$10,000 in prizes | Deadline: May 15, 2025
The 2025 essay contest is an exciting opportunity for undergraduates to showcase their writing skills, gain exposure in our prestigious journal, and win cash prizes. The subject can be any topic at the intersection of economics, politics, philosophy, law, and public policy.
California Golden Fleece® Award
Guilt by Association: How Californias CalGang Database and State Gang Laws Jeopardize Civil Liberties
For its harmful impact on civil liberties and justice, the Independent Institute has awarded its fifteenth California Golden Fleece® Award to the CalGang database and California's gang laws which have blurred the line between innocence and guilt.
Read the Report | Read the News Release -
Comparative Cultures Ethnic Studies Curriculum
A fresh curriculum for American schools
Independent has created an original ethnic studies curriculum to help introduce students to the full tableau of American ethnic historydark moments as well as instances of triumph and personal successand explore the various schools of thought that vie for attention on the subject.
New Book: Good as Gold: How to Unleash the Power of Sound Money
Americas money should be stable, honest and dependable.
Judy Shelton offers workable solutions to provide price stability for consumers, bypassing the whims and distractions of politics, to focus on what drives economic growth.
CATALYST: Young Voices for Liberty
Catalyst is our website dedicated to issues that millennials care about the most: jobs, housing costs, education, student debt, healthcare, and more. Learn, engage, and connect.
Independent Bookstore
VISIT the bookstoreThe Independent Review A Journal of Political Economy
Latest Issue: Winter 2024/25
Applied Humanomics: Introduction to the Symposium
by Diana W. Thomas
Governance in the Aftermath of Violent Internal Conflict
by Colin OReilly
Homo Agens and Homo Moralis in Humanomics
by Douglas B. Rasmussen
A More Humane Altruism: Effective Altruism Meets Humanomics
by Michael D. Thomas
On Organizational Independence
by Daniel J. DAmico
Economic Calculation and the Role of Prices in Privatization
by Tegan Truitt, Scott Andrew Burns
Deregulatory Capture: Why Deregulation May Increase the Regulatory Burden
by Max Molden
Microtargeting Voters in the 2016 U.S. Election: Was Cambridge Analytica Really Different?
by Keith Jakee, Demi Fink
Profits for a Purpose: A Thomistic Analysis of the Friedman Doctrine
by Jonah T. Tran
The State of Federalism and Police Powers in a Post-COVID-19 Society
by Katie Kirk
The Political Economy of Rights
by Daniel Mayorga Montesdeoca
Self-Interest and the French Revolution: The Redefinition of Ambition and Virtue
by Lauren Smyth
Marine Shell Beads as Primitive Money in Mississippian Culture
by Evan Osborne
A Short Defense of Immoderate Wealth
by Jan Narveson
22 Book Reviews
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