The Power of Independent Thinking

Volume 8  Number 4  •  Spring 2004
Browse Issues:

In this issue...

Is There Really a Fatherhood Crisis?
The Republican Road Not Taken: The Foreign-Policy Vision of Robert A. Taft
Externalities, Conflict, and Offshore Lands: Resolution Through the Institutions of Private Property
News Media Incentives, Coverage of Government, and the Growth of Government
Individual Unemployment Accounts
My Time with Karl Marx
Global Warming and Its Dangers

Review Essay
Feser on Nozick

Book Reviews
Out of Bounds, Out of Control: Regulatory Enforcement at the EPA
What’s Yours Is Mine: Open Access and the Rise of Infrastructure Socialism
Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use
The Architecture of Markets: An Economic Sociology of Twenty-First-Century Capitalist Societies

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