Alexander Hamilton is often viewed as a fan of “big government,” public debt, and fiat money. Hamilton has been misused by statists, who often embrace him, and abused by classical liberals, who often disparage him. A fair verdict shows that he was an accomplished political economist—an astute synthesizer of principles and policies—and correct ones. His unique combination of talents marks him as an original and underappreciated practitioner of wise economic-financial policymaking.

Richard M. Salsman is an assistant professor of political economy at Duke University, teaching in the program on philosophy, politics, and economics.
EconomistsEconomyPhilosophy and Religion
Other Independent Review articles by Richard M. Salsman
Fall 2024 Nozick on Taxation: The Necessity of Funding the Legitimate State
Summer 2024 Life After Capitalism: The Meaning of Wealth, the Future of the Economy, and the Time Theory of Money
Summer 2023 A Comparative History of Central Bank Behavior: Consistency in Monetary Policy in the US and UK
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