Economist and social philosopher F. A. Hayek wrote his three-volume masterwork Law, Legislation, and Liberty (1973–1979) because he believed the constitutional constraints he praised in The Constitution of Liberty (1960) had failed in practice to limit the growth of government. The purpose of his trilogy was to restate the ideals of constitutionalism in the conceptually rich and compelling language of rules, order, and evolution.

Leonidas Zelmanovitz is a Liberty Fund senior fellow.
Constitutional LawEconomic PolicyEconomistsEconomyLaw and LibertyPhilosophy and Religion
Other Independent Review articles by Leonidas Zelmanovitz
Spring 2023 Commodities as an Asset Class: Essays on Inflation, the Paradox of Gold and the Impact of Crypto
Winter 2021/22 Understanding Money: Philosophical Frameworks of Monetary Value
Spring 2021 The Reality of Money: The Metaphysics of Financial Value