Inequalities of wealth and income are not nearly as bad as the problem of poverty. Moreover, societies that strive to eliminate inequalities of outcomes are far less likely to flourish than societies more focused on ensuring legal equality and freedom of opportunity.

Art Carden is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and an Associate Professor of Economics at Samford University.
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Sarah Estelle is associate professor of economics and Ruch Faculty Fellow at Hope College.
Anne Rathbone Bradley is Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics and Visiting Professor at Georgetown University.
Economic InequalityEconomic PolicyEconomy
Other Independent Review articles by Art Carden
Fall 2023 Thomas Sowell: Uncommon Perspectives on Culture, Society, and Economics
Spring 2023 The Creation of Knowledge in Society: Waste Defined by Property and Exchange
Spring 2022 “The Danger of Deplorable Reactions”: W. H. Hutt on Liberalism, Populism, and the Constitutional Political Economy of Racism
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