The Lighthouse®
What do the statistics show? That Critical Race Theory has been widespread in academia for at least a decade; that CRT proponents are finally getting the fierce blowback they deserveand that they dont like it. Their response? To cook the books on their own ugly history....
Richard K. Vedder (American Spectator)
This tech school in Michigan youve never heard of is better than Harvard. A lot better.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Beacon)
If you thought inflation was bad in the U.S., try Argentina. The peso has lost more than seventy percent of its value in twelve months. Solutions? Almost anythingjust as long as the Argentines keep their politicians out of the money-supply business. (We should, too!)
Steve H. Hanke, Emilio Ocampo (National Review)
With inflation at 250 percent, many Argentines have thrown their weight behind presidential candidate Javier Milei. Why? He promises to do officially what Argentines do every day: dump the peso and replace it with the U.S. dollar. It just might save the country.
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Volume 26, Issue 44: October 24, 2023
Phillip W. Magness (AIER)

The Hyperpoliticization of Higher Ed
Trends in Faculty Political Ideology, 1969Present
Trends in Faculty Political Ideology, 1969Present
The Independent Review, Winter 2022/23
Richard K. Vedder (American Spectator)

Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Beacon)

Steve H. Hanke, Emilio Ocampo (National Review)

Why Argentina Raised Interest Rate To 97%; Economist Steve Hanke on the David Lin Report
Live Stream Event 10/31 | Dollarization: A Solution for Argentinas Economy?
Live Stream Event 10/31 | Dollarization: A Solution for Argentinas Economy?
The Beacon: New Blog Posts
Catalyst: New Articles