The Lighthouse®
China leads the race for influence in Africa, with the United States falling behind in the giveaways. But, actually, thats just fine. U.S. government interference in the continent will just lead to a pointless zero-sum competition with China for a dominance the victor wont be able sustain.
Steve H. Hanke, John Greenwood, OBE (Wall Street Journal)
Tokyo has had ultra-slow monetary growth for decades. From 1992 to 2020, the growth rate of the countrys money supply averaged an anemic 2.6% per year. Accordingly, Japans inflation rate has averaged an almost imperceptible 0.3% a year. Chairman Powell? Your move....
K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)
The authors of a recent article in the American Journal of Medicine wonder why some people hesitate to take a COVID vaccine shot. These experts worry about a belief in freedom. Maybe its because the COVID vaccines dont work very well?
Its our new Independent Truths podcast! Dr. Scott Atlas, world-renowned expert in health care policy and frequent policy advisor to policymakers and government officials, investigates the role of government and the private sector in health-care quality and access, global trends in health-care innovation, and the key economic and civil liberty issues related to health policy. Its time for the biomedical security state to be held to account, and theres no one better to do so. Tune in!
The Lighthouse® is the weekly email newsletter of the Independent Institute.
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Volume 26, Issue 3: January 19, 2023
Ivan Eland (National Interest)

In Search of Monsters to Destroy
The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace
The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace
By Christopher J. Coyne
Steve H. Hanke, John Greenwood, OBE (Wall Street Journal)

K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)

Virus and Leviathan
Symposium on Public Health and Policy in a Free Society
Symposium on Public Health and Policy in a Free Society
The Independent Review, Spring 2021

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- The Real Story Behind Perus Recent Unrest, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- The COVID Studies We Actually Need, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- MLKs Philosophy was Rooted in the Natural Law Tradition, by Michael de Sapio
- Can Family Theme Push Avatar: The Way of Water to Blockbuster Profitability?, by Samuel R. Staley
- Buttigieg Continues Wasteful Government Jet-Set Ways, by K. Lloyd Billingsley
- Single Subject Bills, by Randall G. Holcombe
Catalyst: New Articles
- What Ayn Rand Meant by Americanism, by Dan Sanchez
- MLKs Goal Was Unity, by Pooja Bachani Di Giovanna
- Martin Luther King Jr.s 6 Principles of Non-Violence, by Hannah Cox
- Latin American Cities Are Underrated, by Scott Beyer
- Jordan Petersons License Fiasco: Abolish Government Licensing, by Patrick Carroll
- The Global South: Announcing My 1.5-Year, 40-City Tour, by Scott Beyer
- The Dark Side of Bill C-11: How it Could Silence Canadian Voices, by Francis Crescia