The Lighthouse®
Even among the crypto faithful, confidence in stablecoins has been shaken, and calls for regulation to save them have intensified. Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) has even proposed legislation, but the real question is: why does the government continue to sidestep existing laws to coddle a stagnant, wasteful technology?
Robert P. Murphy (Mises Wire)
Paul Krugman gets it wrongagain. He says running a trade surplus isnt a win. Really? Voluntary trade surpluses make a country richer. Theres nothing foolish about piling up IOUs in exchange for surplus exportsjust as theres nothing foolish about a household living below its means and accumulating financial assets.
Ivan Eland (Inside Sources)
The American managerial elite in both parties want Sweden and Finland in NATO. But why? Russias performance in its Ukraine war has been abysmal, and the wealthy nations of Europe, which together have a GDP 31 times larger than that of Russia, no longer need to be on the American defense dole.
Williamson M. Evers (Washington Examiner)
In recent years, Stanford has sought to transform almost every element of student life radically. The latest development? Something called ResX. The 400 social engineers in the Office of Student Life now get to sort students permanently into Black Diaspora, Chicanx/Latinx, or IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in a Learning community) dorms. That used to be called segregation.
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Volume 25, Issue 22: June 2, 2022
Steve H. Hanke and Matt Sekerke (Wall Street Journal)

Good Money
Birmingham Button Makers, the Royal Mint, and the Beginnings of Modern Coinage, 1775-1821
Birmingham Button Makers, the Royal Mint, and the Beginnings of Modern Coinage, 1775-1821
By George A. Selgin
Robert P. Murphy (Mises Wire)

Ivan Eland (Inside Sources)

Williamson M. Evers (Washington Examiner)

The Beacon: New Blog Posts
- Monkeypox and Leviathan?, by Raymond J. March
- Mass Shootings and Gun Violence: Why Buffalo? Why Uvalde?, by William F. Shughart II
- How the U.S. Forest Service Set New Mexico Ablaze, by Craig Eyermann